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It seems like the Queen was disappointed as well, She let out a deep sigh.

⌈... Sasssen, do you know what you did?⌋

When asked by the Queen, Telecia incline her head in doubt.

⌈What do you mean by "what"?⌋

.....She answered the Queen's question with a question, huh... This is quite profane.

As proof, the usually mild Queen, her cheek just now twitched.

....This is Bad.

At this rate, the blizzard in the Queen's heart will.....!¹

Victoria, who felt a sense of crisis in Telecia's response, opens her mouth.

⌈Excuse me Your Highness. May I give an explanation to Miss Sassen?⌋


The queen looked at Victoria with narrow eyes and nodded.

⌈Yes, I don't mind⌋

⌈Thank you⌋

Victoria gives her gratitude to the Queen, and looks at Telecia.

Telecia snorted with unsatisfied smile because the other party changed to Victoria.

........Ara, Miss Sassen, your disguise is fading you know.

Where's the lovely face you shown up to now to those high ranking nobles and Bernhardt-sama have gone to?

Well, it's all good because I'm not the one who's in trouble.

Victoria cut off all the thoughts in her heart, and open her mouth concernedly.

⌈Do you know that our country, Plast, is surrounded by three large countries?⌋

⌈Hah? Are you making fun of me? There's no way I didn't know that much.⌋

Answer Telecia with irritation.

⌈That's good. Then, are you familiar with the fact that the largest one of those three large countries, that is Nanbal² country, has an alliance with our country?⌋

⌈.......O-Of course I know!⌋

Responds Telecia while stuttering.

........It looks like she didn't know.

She (Victoria) noticed it, but feel like it would be a bother to point it out, so she continues it as it is.

⌈Is that so. You also know that before the alliance with Nanbal, Plast country, though had never been taken away, it was used and exploited by the great powers, right?⌋

⌈I-it's only natural!⌋

Says Telecia in a strong tone, her forehead sweating.

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