Day 4

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Today is already my fourth day in Siargao. I'm already thinking about what I should do to spend the day. I'm actually planning to do kayaking because when I was taking a walk yesterday, I saw a lot of people doing it and I haven't done that in my entire life. So, since I'm only staying here for a month, I might as well make the best of it.

Before anything else, I took a bath and got myself ready. Again, I am not going to cook because I suck at it. It might even end up being the cause of my death.

After that, I grabbed my wallet and leather jacket but just when I was about to head out, I suddenly heard a dog barking. Huh? I look around only to see Luna running towards me. Like, what the hell is she doing here again? How even is this dog getting in? I remember locking all the doors.

"Luna how did you get in here?" Of course, she didn't talk back but she barked as if that was her response, such a naughty dog. Gayle might be so worried about her again right now. So, I picked her up but before I head out, I tried finding out how she was able to get in.

Then it turned out that there was actually a pet door on the back door.

"Do you get in by this door?" I asked as if I was talking to a toddler but she surprisingly barked like she was replying.

"Silly Luna, come on let's get you to your mom. She might be worried about you already," I said as I pet her head.

When we got out of the house, Gayle wasn't looking around just like yesterday. She probably snuck out without the latter noticing. So, I just headed to their house and knocked on their door. After a few seconds, she came out wearing an apron. Oh, she's probably cooking breakfast.

She got surprised to see Luna with me. Of course, today, I'm a stranger to her again. Before she could say something I spoke.

"Hello again, Gayle. For the fourth time, I am Angelica Jhane Gegante and you can call me Angge. So, if you are wondering why I have Luna, she snuck into my house again," I said while handing Luna to her. She was looking at me with a confused expression and she mindlessly said, "How did you know mine and Luna's name? Who are you?"

I chuckled and said, "You're so adorable. Today is my fourth day here and we've been introducing ourselves to each other every single day so how would I not know your name? And look at Luna, she has a name on her collar, silly. Also, this might not sound convincing but I'm your new friend."

"Huh? Since when did I have a friend?" She asked, still with that creased forehead.

"Uh, maybe since day one," I replied while shrugging my shoulders. "Luna liked you, so are we really friends?" She asked again like she was really not convinced.

"Yeah, we even spent the day together on my second day here, and yesterday we went to the park with her. I know you can't remember but I swear to God, you can trust me," I said while raising my right hand.

"Since you're my friend, I—uh just finished making breakfast. Do you want to join me?" She asked while fidgeting with the edge of her apron. Is she being shy now? Damn, she's too adorable.

I was actually on my way to the restaurant but since she invited me, why would I decline? Besides, her food is not only delicious but it's also free.

"I would love to," I said enthusiastically. "Okay, come on. Let's eat before the food gets cold," she replied and she gestured for me to come in. She went straight to the kitchen while I followed behind her. While I was walking I was looking around at the details of her house because the first time I was here, I didn't get the chance to really do it. I got sick remember?

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