A special steak dish with my secret most special ingridient

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I was having a sleep over with Draken and Mikey at Drakens place

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I was having a sleep over with Draken and Mikey at Drakens place

Im now trap between both of them cuddling me while we watch a movie

"Aki-chin...can you cook us food please" Mikey said with puppy eyes

"Im tired.." i said in a low voice not taking my eyes of the screen

"Dont force her Mikey" Draken simply added

"But ken-chin! We both know you wanna taste Aki-chin's cooking" Mikey said with an eyeroll making me shout "MATERIAL GWORL" out of nowhere which they chuckled to

I continued watching the movie but looks like Mikey have different plans

Mikey then pull me up like a sack of potato bringing me into a kitchen

"FINE!" i shouted full well know Mikey is not gonna stop bugging me if i font comply

So i started cooking which felt like 2 hours

I served the food in a silver platter with a cover on top

I entered Draken's room

"What did you cook for us Aki-chin!" Mikey said eyes shining like a little kid

"A special steak dish with my secret most special ingridient" i said rather confidently

Mikey's eyes shined as he look at the platter

I opened it and....



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