Part 2

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"Come on, Agent Ward," Skye called out, a seductive look on her face. "Show me what you've got."

She held one hand behind her back, and beckoned to her boyfriend with the other. Grant raised an eyebrow and grinned, starting towards her. He also had one of his hands behind his back.

They both stood barefoot in the small grassy park that was close to the SHIELD apartment complex they both lived in. Skye was wearing a red knee-length sundress... The kind that accented all the right curves and that she knew Ward loved. He was wearing a pair of khaki shorts with a white T-shirt. Skye couldn't begin to describe what a wonderful view that was for her, and she found herself often checking him out when he wasn't looking. Their days off together were something Skye always looked forward to because Grant lost most of his "super serious spy" self and showed her how much of a sweetheart he really could be.

But Skye was feeling a bit malicious today, and as soon as Grant was close enough she proved that. With one swift motion, she drew her arm from behind her back. A stream of ice-cold water from her water gun hit its mark and sprayed Grant in the stomach. His muscles clenched, and he groaned. But in no time he was up again and sent a spray of water towards Skye with his own water gun. But she had run off, and he ended up watering the grass instead. Skye laughed, and the sound was like music to him.

"For being a specialist, you'd think you'd be able to hit the target," she teased, a huge grin on her face. She waved her colorful gun in the air, her free hand on her hip. "You give up, or are you hungry for more?"

Grant gave her a defeated look and held up both hands, though one was still holding his gun. "I admit, you've got skills." He slowly began walking towards her. "I surrender."

A shocked expression spread over Skye's face. "Really? Already?"


And with that Grant sprayed her in the stomach. She shrieked, attempting to run away from him but he was in close pursuit. He soaked her from top to bottom while she only managed to get him a few times. The park air was filled with their laughter. Grant dropped his water gun once it was empty and wrapped his arms around Skye, planting a kiss on her cheek. Skye smiled, enjoying the sensation.

Then she turned and wrapped her arms around his neck. "The super-spy has a soft side. Who knew."Grant kissed her lips softly, then answered, "Only for you."

Skye bit her lip, contemplating what was going through her mind. She'd been wanting to tell him for a while, but...

Before she could stop herself, it happened.

"I love you, Grant."

Those simple words leaving her mouth left her with the most bizarre and wonderful feeling. It meant that the last of her walls were down. She was exposed, and completely vulnerable to whatever his reaction would be.

Skye searched Grant's eyes. At first, they were filled with surprise. But a second later they were filled with more love and adoration than Skye had ever seen in her whole life. Her insides filled with butterflies knowing those eyes were looking at her.

Grant cupped her face in both of his hands. Just before his lips met hers in a blissful, passionate kiss, he answered softly.

"I love you too."

* * * *

Skye woke up to white walls and bright lights, the vivid colors of her dream fading away to the memory of the day that event had happened. She blinked, looking at her surroundings. Agent Coulson sat in a chair close beside the bed she was laying on and judging from the furnishings of the room, she was in a hospital. She looked down at herself and noticed she was still wearing the clothes she'd had on the mission, lacking only the vests. Good. She hated hospital robes.

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