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The bell rang, signaling the start of classes. However, everybody stayed put, eager to see the outcome of the confrontation. It was silent, the faint whispers of one or two students being the only thing that could be heard.

"Seriously." (Y/n) repeated. "I don't have the energy to deal with this shit, you know?"

"But you certainly have the energy to do that!" Drizella pointed at her with contempt. "There's your proof people! A rose! I bet she sprayed a sedative on it so she can take advantage of Aether and then kidnap him!"

"Where the hell are you getting those ideas from, lady?!" Hu yelled, pushing Drizella's arm behind her back. "Seriously! You're so creative and for what?!"

Someone from within the crowd stifled his laugh before stepping out. "I have to admit, she kind of is right." He cracked a small smile. "Isn't that too big of an assumption to make at first glance, Drizella?"

Drizella looks at him, wide-eyed. "A-Albedo- I didn't expect you to be here..."

"I saw the commotion and couldn't help but check it out," Albedo said. "Aside from the two girls, no one else is hurt, correct?" He turns to everyone else who nodded in response. "Good."

"That's very kind of you..." Drizella looked away, cheeks flushed. "... But we won't stay safe for long once she acts up!" She turned back to (Y/n).

"For real! What if the rose is a bomb or something?!"

"It could be a gun in disguise for all we know!"

The crowd burst into loud chatter once again.

"Guys... I don't think we should blame her so easily... We haven't even heard her explanation yet..." Aether said softly, unable to be heard through all the noise. "Guys—"

Mona looks at him and sighed. She knew that at that rate, no one would hear him no matter how much he repeated his words. "Hey, idiots!" She belted. "Shut up!"

It worked like a charm as she had a very loud and high-pitched voice. Aether finally had everyone's full attention.

"I think we should hear (Y/n) out first..." Aether said.

"I agree," Albedo nodded. "(Y/n)?" He gestured for her to speak. "I apologize for the inconvenience, but this is the only way."

(Y/n) looked at all the people looking at her with disgust and scoffed. "It's just a rose, and what I do with it is none of your business." She spat.

Albedo sighs. 'Well, that certainly isn't going to help her case.' And he was right as the crowd simply burst into a fit of rage.

"I want to send them to the afterlife," Hu said through gritted teeth, a feral look on her face as she gradually got up.

"Patience, Hu. You'll get to do that eventually," Albedo said.

"Well, I certainly did not expect to hear that come out of your mouth!" Mona looked at him in astonishment.

Aether gazed at (Y/n), not having been able to look at her properly beforehand because of the pressure put on his shoulders. She looked as if she was on her last straw, and understandable at that.

"(Y/n)...? Are you okay?" He couldn't help but ask.

"No," She said. "I came to meet someone, that's all.

"Ah... To give them the rose?"


Aether felt his heart sink. It had been a while since he last saw her truly smiling and having a good time. It seemed so out of place for her to give someone a flower out of the blue, but the fact she couldn't even stay at school anymore? Just how bad exactly was it for her?

"Aether, don't tell me you're feeling bad for her now, are you?" There it was again, the godforsaken voice of the girl he once thought was kind.

"You know, I'm so sick of you people acting like she committed a crime—!" Hu starts.

"No one asked." Drizella looked at her coldly. "Did I ask you?"

"He doesn't look like he feels bad for her if you ask me."

"Yeah! It's more like she's afraid of her."

"Poor Aether must've been manipulated."


"Hu," Albedo glared at her, effectively shutting her up. Then, he turned to Aether. "Tell her the truth, Aether."

Aether sucked in a breath, swallowing his fear before turning to respond. "I'm asking her if she's okay because all of you have been treating her unfairly." He frowned. "I don't like how all of you have been treating her."

"And I think, seeing as Aether was the one who got hurt from the incident... We should believe him," Albedo said.

"But he got hurt! Getting hurt often twists your perception of—"

"I wasn't that hurt, Drizella," Aether cut her off. "My wounds have now fully healed. But if you keep this up, (Y/n) will remain wounded for a much longer time."

For a moment, Drizella stopped. He thought all was well. He thought that that would stop their relentless bullying, but no, he was wrong.

"You're siding with the perpetrator Aether..." Drizella shook her head in disappointment. "Even till the very end, you let her intimidate you into lying..."

"What, no—"


"Silence! All of you!" A stern, adult voice called out to them causing everyone to turn and face their History teacher, Mr. Zhongli. "It has been 20 minutes since class started. Why are all of you standing around?"

And just like that, the crowd dispersed as if nothing happened. It's strange how the students at Teyvat High did everything they could to torment one another yet immediately yield to teachers like good students.

As everybody else walked away, Aether could not help but realize the consequences of their actions. He knew for a fact that they (meaning all those that were on (Y/n)'s side) would be a target of the student body. Had they kept silent through (Y/n)'s persecution, they would've been fine, but what's done is done.

"Good job, Aether." Mona smiled, patting him on the back. "You did the right thing."

"Yes," Albedo nodded. "And do not feel defeated so quickly, I've found a solution. If you all could meet me at the back of the school after classes, that would be great."

He turned around to face (Y/n), the person who remains the most affected through it al, yet the one who stayed quietest. "If you could come as well, that would be great."

(Y/n) said nothing but nodded.

"Oh (Y/n)!" Hu threw herself on her. "You didn't deserve that not one bit! They looked like they were going to crucify you, I swear! I'll make them pay, sweetcheeks. Don't worry!"

"Do we all have to be there?" Aether asked.

"All those who are on (Y/n)'s side, yes." Albedo nodded. "If you aren't willing to risk your reputation, however, it's fine if you'd leave as well."

Albedo looked at both Aether and Mona, waiting for either of them to move... but neither did.

"You're good people," He smiled.

"I'd like to help (Y/n) as much as she's helped me," Aether said. "Even if I can contribute just a little."

"Same here." Mona gave a thumbs up. "I'd like to ask though, what are we doing after school?"

"A meeting with someone who knows the answers to all our problems," Albedo replied. "A very good talented investigator in our grade by the name of Shikanoin Heizou. He holds the key to proving (Y/n) innocent."

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