I checked in the boys room then the kitchen but didn't find them. I opened up the fridge and pulled out the last of the fruit that I didn't know the name of and ate it. I then took a shower to wash off the sleep sweat. Once I was dressed and dried I got out and walked around the town.

I walked aimlessly for a few hours until I was standing in front of the turret. From the looks of it Jak and Daxter just beat Kleivers score cause he didn't look too happy. They walked away smiling smugly. I stood their with my arms crossed waiting for them to notice me. It wasn't until they were a few feet away. It looked like their eyes would pop out of their eyes.

"Your already up!" Daxter shouted.

"Yup! How long was I out?"

"About fourteen, sixteen hours! How are you walking around without a scratch?" Jak said still shocked.

"Green eco." I said simply with a shrug looking out at the sea.

"It's good thing your all better! We've got to go fight in the arena today." Jak said. We started walking towards the arena.

"Yeah yeah......hey um sorry to bum but do you have any extra yellow ammo?" I asked meekly I pulled out my pistol and took out the clip. It had ten rounds in the mag.

"Uhhh, yeah here." He said pulling out a pack of bullets. I took the pack and started to take out twenty bullets." No just keep them."

"Are you sure?" I asked looking at him with widened eyes.

"Yeah I got my other gun. I don't want you running out."

"Oh thank you Jak!"

"No problem, it was scary......knowing you were down their defenseless." He said looking away from me.

"Awe! Jak cares!" Daxter teased poking Jak in the face with his elbow. I started to blush and Jak's cheeks dusted two shades of red as well. "Awe he's blushing! Look she's blushing too!" Daxter pointed out teasing us both. I started speed walking to the arena to get away from Daxter vowing to make him pay later.

"Greetings, brave fighters! The one, the only, the greatest highness of all highnesses, the magnificent, eminently..."

"Enough. Just get on with it."

"Sorry, I got a bit carried away. Did I mention how fabulous your hair looks?"

"Pecker!" Damas warned not likening Pecker kissing up so much.

"Yes, right. Another round of games has been called. This is combat to the death. Good luck, and may the bravest man, or in some cases, animal, win." Pecker said.

"I'm going first Jak." I said getting onto the column.

"That a girl! You go give them hell!" He cheered me on but I only gave him the stink eye in response.

The arena was now a huge expanse of space with fairly narrow strips of metal that formed a box with a plus sign in it. Their was four high up squares with hexagon platforms at the middle of each pool of lava.

I stepped down onto the arena and calmly made my way to the middle. Men started to drop down into the arena and charged for me. I cocked my pistol and started to open fire and was surprised when some of them opened fired on me.

I had planed on just standing in the middle and firing at the men as they tried getting to me. Looks like I would be forced to move to dodge their bullets. I was having an awful time shooting at them while I was both running and shooting from so far away. I wasted a whole mag, ten bullets before I decided, as I was running and filling my mag at the same time, not easy nor fun, that I was going to go yellow mellow!

I slapped the mag into my pistol cocked it and had already gone yellow before I aimed and fired at a guy from across the arena. I got rid of the men to close for my liking then picked off the ones farther away. I still had to run for sweet life but at least I was missing only once in a blue moon.....damn it!.....blue moon.

You know if I had to kill someone, like I did now, and I had to pick between using a gun or using a sword/claws, I would pick a gun. It's cleaner then using a sword or my claws. The alarm went off and the squares went up. I, and others, jumped onto the squares and continued fighting. After getting ride of the men around my island I took cover behind the square and picked off the others.

The alarms went off again and we jumped back onto the arena platform. I reloaded then started popping them off like nothing. It was awesome to not have to get bloody and not feel threatened, well extremely threatened.

I almost couldn't believe it when I killed the last guy and the column raised up for me to get back up. I stepped up onto it and on the way up I felt so relieved that I had survive. I still didn't agree to this place, never will. STILL, plan on destroying it later.

"Congratulations Jackie you have earned your third and final Battle Amulet. You are now a true Wastelander."

"Cool....and snap in here and tahda! Beacon."

"How did you know it was a beacon?"

"Jackie is known to have a uncanny way of knowing what's going to happen." Pecker explained to Damas.

"A psychic then?" Damas said looking me over with a critical eye.

"Yes Damas....to a certain extent." I said. 'Well I've been called many things but never have I been called a psychic. Thanks Pecker now I feel corny.'

"Wait. Your a psychic?!" Jak asked. I fought the urge to laugh or scream April fools but didn't. I never wanted to tell Jak about him being in a game. Instead I nodded my head and kept my head down to cover up the fact that I had a huge smile on my face. Jak and Daxter left to fight in the arena. I would of stayed and watched but I decided that I could just say I knew the out come. I began to walk away.

"Not going to watch the battle?" Damas asked making me curse inwardly.

"No, I already know the outcome. I'm going home to make the boy's dinner." I said using my cop out. I walked away from him and headed to the market to browse around for a bit before going home and making dinner and cleaning the place up. Being in the dessert sucked because keeping sand out of your home was a constant battle.

I was walking around the market asking about Christa. After twelve people I finally found a friend of hers. Apparently she's still recovering from the storm. She was being held in the city clinic. My plans to clean suddenly became plans to check up on a new friend. I had time, Jak's out killing Metalpeds with Sig.......wonder if Sig will come over and say hi?

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