Senior Year (Part 5)

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"Do you know your mom and dad will be heartbroken once they found out that you brought her back here? Your selfishness Matt, you just could have waited for her graduating from that poor school where she belongs

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"Do you know your mom and dad will be heartbroken once they found out that you brought her back here? Your selfishness Matt, you just could have waited for her graduating from that poor school where she belongs." So now we'll be arguing again in the library. "I just did what's best and deem right for her. She did not deserve all of the things you did to her. Let's face it, she's better than you." Her eyes widened and her cheeks switch from pale white to cherry red. I know I pushed another button. Amber doesn't want to be compared to anyone rather than herself. "Oh well, at least she still can't have you cause I'm still married to you. Imagine the publicity and controversy. Both our families will suffer and the entire business relations we have.  You should have thought about the problem you and your girlfriend might cause. Right?

"Are you done?" She looked at me with a slight grin on her face and turned her back

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"Are you done?" She looked at me with a slight grin on her face and turned her back. Well, that was unlikely. She never stops especially when it's about Kate. Mybe she really got used to this then.  *Phone rings* "Yes? I'll be visiting her today, please get her ready, we'll be going to the park as I have promised her"


Well, it's been a while since I have seen my sister. She's been in and out of the hospital ever since she was young. So my parents decided to buy a house just for her a few blocks away from St. Luke's. It was quite a dainty little home just like she wanted, like in fairytales, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in particular. However, inside was not as cute as outside. It's like a mini hospital, with medical paraphernalia, all white from top to bottom. My sister's room looks like she's an experiment being observed, she's inside a glass chamber with all the machines and she always have an oxygen tank with her. I felt bad for her not seeing the world like I have the privilege to, but my parents always make sure that she gets everything she needs and make her feel as if she was a normal little girl.

 I felt bad for her not seeing the world like I have the privilege to, but my parents always make sure that she gets everything she needs and make her feel as if she was a normal little girl

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"Hi JJ, you seemed to forget me for a long time, I actually thought you will never try to visit me again but it's okay, Princess comes here every day". Maya, my baby sister, she's ten years younger than me. My parents asked to have another child however, she was born with a congenital defect. This has been her home days after she was born and diagnosed. Her cute chinita eyes and her wavy long dark hair matches her dark eyes and pale skin. Mom named her Maya because she was our dream. My parents never thought that they will have another girl although she's frail and fragile because of her condition but her spirit for adventure never fades. She talks about this Princess all the time after I got married, I understand, children have an active imagination. "Well, that's good she visits you every day because I tell her to on my behalf. I am very busy you know". She gave me a nod and smiled "Yep, that's what she kept telling me, she also gave me this dress. She told me to wear it when you will take me out on a date" Then she giggled and spin "It seems Princess really has good taste" Mom always have a knack for fairytale too. This dress does look great on her as she is growing up beautifully. "Are you ready for our date?" She grabs her butterfly backpack. Funny, it looks familiar. Have I seen that bag somewhere? "I'm all set JJ, can you please help me carry my tank?" She handed me her tank and I secured it properly on her pink trolley. "Guess we are all set then Muffin, you ready?" She was leaping gracefully and went to the Nurses' counter.

"Hi Angela, can you please do the honors and give my handsome brother some sweet cupcakes from my Princess?" Angela, she's been with Maya since she was diagnosed

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"Hi Angela, can you please do the honors and give my handsome brother some sweet cupcakes from my Princess?" Angela, she's been with Maya since she was diagnosed. Her silver hair and her wrinkles tell the time. She handed me a box of rainbow cupcakes. As she opened them, I stared at it for a while because I have seen these cupcakes somewhere, but I just don't know when. I took one and Maya stared at me to see how I find them. Took a small bite and my brows rose with contentment. "They're good right? See how my Princess is just perfect?". I brush off Maya's hair "You're right, Princess is really perfect."

"Wait till you meet her, you will really love her". I guess Princess is a real person then huh?

"Of course, I surely will"

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