Chapter 10

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It's one of those times where Gojo has decided to crash at your place. He's laying on your couch. After you've gotten out of the shower, you glance over at him.

"He really does whatever he wants."

That will probably never change.

He's wearing that blindfold as usual. Lowering your towel, you look at him, inching closer to the couch.

"His eyelashes are pretty thick."

You remember vividly just how beautiful he looks, especially up close. This may be the one time you'll be able to admire without his knowledge. You climb onto the couch quietly, straddling his hips.

"Just a peek should be fine."

He made a habit of messing with you constantly. This was the least you could get in return.

Your fingers touch the material, and you try to slide it up. When it's moved, his eyes are closed. You marvel at his features.

He may be an idiot, but he is attractive.

"How naughty (Y/N)-chan." You jolt, and he flips your positions. With your hands now pinned to the couch, you stare up in surprise.

"I-I thought you were asleep!!"

"Were you trying to take advantage of me while I slept?"


He just smiles.

"It's flattering that you would try to sneak a peek." You gulp at his stare.

"G-Gojo w-wait I-" He kisses you before you can say much more, and you relent.

You're embarrassed at how easy it's become for him to drive you crazy. Your eyes are closed for just a moment, and when you feel the tug on your wrist, he moves back with a satisfied grin.

"What the...w-what is this!!"

"I have to punish you for letting Nanami touch you before I did." The tie at your hand ensures that you can't pose any resistance, and you look back at him.

"G-Gojo quit messing around!"

"I'm not."

With your back on the soft surface, you look up. Gojo's hands slip into your shorts, and you lose your voice.

"Don't be shy, I want to hear everything."

He swipes his tongue, and you're moaning as you pull at the knot on your wrists. It was unfair that he was doing this and you couldn't even touch him.

"Argh AHHH!"

You ripped it into pieces and Gojo pulled back.

"Woah, you broke through with sheer strength!" He praises. Your annoyed gaze is fixated on him, and he sweat drops.

"Maybe the tie was too much. "

"You think!!" He just laughs, and you look away.

"He..really shocked me for a second there. "

You can't argue that there are some very attractive parts of Gojo. He liked to mess around, but at the end of the day, he could have done so much. He had the power to achieve anything. But here he was at Jujutsu Tech, training students to help others. You reach out, and he pauses when you touch the top of his hand. It dawns on you then that you're probably one of the few people that have been able to get this close to Gojo.

Even his students and colleagues. They aren't allowed this. It's childish to feel happy for something so silly. You move closer, reaching out, your fingers brush the cloth over his eyes. He doesn't stop you. Sliding it off, his sapphire orbs are revealed to you. His hair is also no longer supported by the band. It drops, partially covering his face. You drop the material, palm resting against his cheek.

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