Good Boy~

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"Come this way, boy. Come on." Miguel cooed softly as he opened the front door to his home with a pep in his step and his new pet close behind, bound by a leash clipped to its (his) golden collar. The pet he had in question was a chihuahua like him and was strangely burly and anthropomorphic. "Welcome to your new home."

The excitable yips it gave off made his tail wag with joy. If it wasn't growing arousal he was feeling at all the 'activities' they would get into today as he taught his 'pet' everything he was taught himself. And then some. The chihuahua before him yipped again before it jumped up onto Miguel and sloppily licked at his face. He caught it mid-jump and giggled, patting down its ears and chestnut hair combed to the side as he reached one paw around to scratch at its back.

"Heel, boy, heel! Hey!" Miguel commanded playfully, affectionately leaning into the grooming session as he swept his pet's feet up with some effort and carried it to his bedroom. After some persuading upon arriving, he manages to unlatch the giddy dog and let him onto the floor, who sat up and barked up at him, panting open-mouthly with his dripping tongue flopping out. The canine over him took time to wipe the slobber from his face before he ruffled the playful canine's hair and unclipped his leash, throwing it to the side before standing tall and clearing his throat.

When his pet started trying to jump up at him again he stopped him with a soft, but stern, "Sit, Nacho." And Nacho does with a soft bark. Up straight, his giddy face calmed down, eyes attentively looking up at his owner, and tail still tapping softly on the floor.

"Good boy," And he was thus rewarded with a good ear scratching.

If you hadn't caught on already, the pet chihuahua Miguel brought home with him was actually King Nacho himself. A few days before, he and Miguel had talked about doing Pet Play as a means of upping the ante of their relationship as advised by none other than Lady Catterly. She had vast knowledge of how it was done and despite her ruler's reluctance and his descendant's encouragement, he relented and went along with it. Especially now. And so far, it's gone swimmingly.

Nacho whined happily, leaning into the contact and murring when his owner used two paws and worked on the outer shell of his ears as his thumbs rubbed wide circles on the inner side. His leg twitched when Miguel took both index fingers and the middle of his thumbs and began massaging the tips of his ears slowly. The ruler's eyes cross and the edges of his opening maw stretch into an open smile as his tongue salivates and he pants. Miguel noted how the look he gave him and bent down on one knee, reaching one paw under his chin and scratching there, coursing from him a series of whines and barely audible moans.

"Does that feel good, Nacho? Do you want more? Yeah?" He asked in a soft teasing tone, almost chuckling when his ancestor nodded uncontrollably. "Roll over." His pet does so without hesitation and flips over on his back, perfectly assuming the begging pose, and spreading his legs. He had no loincloth on and was bare, meaning his sheath and gonads were exposed to his owner in their glory.

The canine breathed a laugh, reaching over to rub down his light brown hair softly. "Nice roll, buddy, good job." The kind words sent chills up the king's spine and made his tail wag even harder when his owner went down to rub his muscular chest down to his stomach, where he proceeded to massage and gently scratch. The reaction to this was immediate when King Nacho yipped and his leg kicked out. His eyes half-lid and roll up, his tongue lolls to the side, dripping saliva into the carpet. Miguel loved every moment of it, you couldn't imagine how much. It warmed his heart up to see his relative like this. Almost like he was a pup again, getting occasional belly rubs from his parents and babysitters.

"Like the belly rubs? You like the belly rubs? Huh, boy?" He teased in a mushy voice, scratching all around Nacho's midsection with both paws as the latter writhed from the contact and pawed at the air. "Yes, you do! Oh, yes, you do!" His ancestor's reaction to that was to let out a series of cute chihuahua sounds that almost sent Miguel into a laughing fit as he didn't see that coming. But instead, he grits his teeth and snickers uncontrollably, periodically letting out a laugh or two.

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