13. Security Guard

Mulai dari awal

"We should act like we're bodyguards and this is our private jet" I say happily. 

"What like this?" Mum says, crossing her arms and putting a serious face on

"Yeah" I giggle, copying her. One of the england photographers at the bottom of the stairs captures this moment. 

"All right, let's go take over Canada" Mum grabs my hand and tries to lead me carefully down the steps, however I dump her and run down ahead and stop to wave happily at the photographer. 

"Hey Maisie, good flight?" He asks, filming me.

"Yeah! Steph let me watch Jamie Johnson on her phone but then I fell asleep" 

"I'm not surprised, long flight?" 

"Mm, but now we're here!" 

"You sure are Maise, go enjoy Canada!"

"It's coming home!" I shout into the camera then run away, just as mum was about to catch up with me.

Now- age 15

It was moments like that, that really make me understand how lucky I was, to be able to travel around the world with my mum and with people who genuinely cared for me, without having to worry about anything. The video the cameraman took that day, is saved somewhere on the computer, and mum likes to bring it out whenever the opportunity arises and although it's extremely embarrassing right now, it brings back good memories and I won't lie, it is quite a cute video. In fact, the snippet of me shouting it's coming home apparently went viral around the time, and was one of the most recognisable moments of the Women's world cup 2015, however, I really hope it's something only Mum and I remember.

"Maisie! You had better wait there!" I hear mum call to me, as she half runs down the isle, "We need our picture, remember?"

"I didn't forget, just wanted you to hurry up" I laugh, pulling my sunglasses down and posing, in our security guard pose.

"You're so annoying" 

"And where did I get that from... you"

"Probably your dad" Mum jokes, posing as well, where Keira stands at the bottom of the stairs and snaps our picture. 

"It's coming home!" I shout as I run down the stairs to have a look at the picture.

Mum laughs and follows me down the steps, leaning over Keira's shoulder to see the picture.

"Swag as always" I laugh

"One day, we'll have a great montage you know"

"Uhuh, let's go and explore San Fran now though" Keira says, leading the way. 

We quickly scan ourselves through security and were now waiting for our suitcases to appear on the conveyor belt. I stand, hand in my hoodie pocket, listening to music through my airpods, whilst Mum and Keira try work out what our plan was for the rest of today. While in the Uk it was 5 pm, it was still only 9am in San Fransisco so we had a while till the rest of the country went to bed, although I wouldn't be surprised if I don't make it past 6pm, san fran time. I wanted to head straight for the Golden gate bridge however Mum and Keira seemed to think it would be best to go there on a day that we weren't so 'exhausted'. Such a mum thing to say. 

Once we'd all hauled our luggage off the belt and headed outside to wait for a taxi to our hotel, it was now about 10am, so the city was really beginning to come to life. As we drove along the streets of San Francisco, I spotted the bridge and took a quick snap, then pointed it out to Mum and Keira, who were just as excited tourists as I was. 

Our hotel was amazing, it was almost like we had our own mini apartment, with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a massive lounge and even a mini office to work in. The large windows of the lounge overlooked the hussle-and-bussle of the city and in the distance on the left, the golden gate bridge stood.

For the rest of the day, we unpacked, chilled and wandered about the hotel, finding the gym, and consequently led to me having a quick session while Mum and Keira chatted with some of the other holidayers. I'd filled Katie in with all the details, to which she sent me jealous responses and eventually stopped replying as it got too late in the UK. By 4 pm, I was completely worn out, my body running on UK time, so we decided to order a takeaway to the hotel and sit out on the balcony to eat it.  



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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

-tagged- maisiebronze, keirawalsh

Favourite place, favourite girls 🌍❤️


@maisiebronze- OK hotel 😐
@lucybronze- shall I fly you home?
@maisiebronze- Noooooo

@Keirawalsh- Poor narlie, she's not the favourite
@lucybronze- Who said you were

@lwilliamson- Super jealous
@ellieroebuck- Fancy a visit?
@lwilliamson- let's do it

@demistokes- Have the best time ✈️

Maisie 'Baby' BronzeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang