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♫ I swear to God, I can see
Four kids and no sleep ♫

Carlos Sainz POV

I was looking at her and she was gorgeous as the light of the moon hit her face. When she turned to me I felt a huge urge to kiss her but I knew she wasn't okay, I wasn't just going to do it. She didn't answer me for a few seconds but she got closer and kissed me, it felt right. Holding her here, with me. It felt good. The kiss ended and she rested her head on my chest. I rested my hand on her belly and thought about how it would be in a few months.

"We should get some rest before everyone wakes up" She says sitting down.

"It's probably a good idea" I say getting up and giving her my hands so she could get up easier.

"Thank you for being so understanding, most people would annoy me to know what I was doing here, and then why was I crying" She says while we went inside.

"If you want to talk I'm here, but I won't pester you to have answers. I will be in my room if you need me cariño. Get some rest" I say giving her a kiss on her forehead and she smiles.

"Sleep well Carlos" She says and I smile while entering my room.

Am I falling in love with her? I mean, I forgot the last time I felt like this. She was carrying my child, I admire her for that. We have a long way to go and I won't rush it or it can end badly. I fell asleep and when I woke up the next day I went to the kitchen.

"You slept until late" Caco says when I enter and I shrug.

"I deserve it too" I say sitting down beside them.

"Maya is still sleeping. Did you two have a late night?" Mariana asks with a smirk.

"No, she was watching the view outside around 1 AM and I joined her in silence for a bit. Is there anything I should know?" I ask and they look at each other and shrug.

"She must be missing her parents. We will talk to her when she wakes up" Camila says and I know she wanted me to be calm so I just nod.

An hour and something later, I see Maya showing up in the kitchen and they were talking. Caco and Rupert noticed my focus and gave me a smile.

"You like her" Caco says happily.

"I do, she is great. I'm glad she will be the mother of my child" I say honestly.

"Are you two dating or just seeing where it goes?" Rupert asks and I shrug.

"We are friends, and if it evolves into something more then it did. We are already having a baby together, there is no bigger commitment than that" 

"I'm glad. I just want to see the baby when he is born. All the family is excited. Your mom won't stop gushing to everyone about her grandson, your dad is showing the ultrasound to all his friends" Caco says excitedly.

"Good morning everyone" We hear Maya says as she got outside with Camila and Mariana. I made space for her by my side and she sat down.

"Good morning cariño" I say happily, she looked more excited than yesterday night.

"Our gorgeous pregnant lady finally decided to tell us she wants to go out all day today, she wants to have fun" Mariana says and I look at Maya curiously.

"Yes, I want to have some more greek food, visit more places and go to a party. I want to have fun" Maya says and I knew she was asking me.

"Let's get dressed and let's go" I say excitedly and she smiles while getting up.

We went inside and I got in shorts and a shirt because it's August, it's too hot to dress in much. I saw Maya was hearing a beautiful yellow sundress and it looked great on her with the tan she got from the last week.

We did just like she wanted. She chose the restaurant and we ate there, it was awesome. We traveled Santorini like we knew what we were seeing and after dinner, we went to a bar close to the yacht so we could just leave when we wanted to. I was with Caco and Rupert, we had fun and we were now hanging out on a table outside of the bar and the girls were on a table with a couch.

"That girl has been watching you since we got here" Caco whispers and I finished my drink. I followed his gaze and saw a beautiful brunette woman, she was petite like Maya, with hair like Maya but that was it. I looked at Maya and she was happily talking with the girls, I think she didn't even notice.

"Let her be. She isn't bothering me" I say ignoring her.

"She is coming in your direction" Caco whispers and I take a deep breath.

"You aren't from here, I could notice that. I'm Stefanni" She says with a smile.

"I'm from Spain, I'm Carlos" I say pretty unbothered by her presence.

"Are you here with your friends? I could keep you some company for tonight" She says sitting on the chair by my side and I nod.

"I'm with them but I have company as you can see so I'm fine" I say trying to get her to leave, why? I would prefer Maya over her and that is concerning me right now. What if Maya wants nothing to do with me?

"They wouldn't mind, I have two friends who would like to keep them company too" She says getting closer to my face. Shit.



Max's story is ending in the next chapter, and I decided that I will publish Lando's story that's almost finished, it's called "Not The Only One", and it will be posted on Wednesdays and Sundays, just like the others. The first chapter was published as we speak.

I hope you are liking this story and the others I have going on, I appreciate all the support, votes, comments, and messages I've received. I can't believe how amazing you all are.

I love you all and if you need anything or have some requests for a future story, or some ideas, please talk to me, I'm friendly I swear.

Be safe and let's keep in contact

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