A red scarf

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"Snow! Its snowing! Hinata! Can we please go out and play? " My little sister Hanabi shouted to me from across the house
"o-of course! I'm just gonna get my jacket! " I shouted back.

"Hanabi come i want to show you something i made for you!" My mom said. Hanabi ran out the room to mom.I took on my jacket. About 4 minutes after she ran too me with a yellow scarf, it looks like mom knitted it.
"Hinata! Look at my scarf! isn't it pretty? Mom made it to me!

"Hinata! Come i have something for you too!" My mom said to me.

I rushed to my moms room and saw she had something on her lap, packed in giftpaper.
"I knitted you this, and i hope you like it. Maybe you can wear it while you're outside, playing with Hanabi!" She handed me the gift. I sat down and opened it quietly, inside there was a pretty red scarf. It was so beautiful.

"Thank you so much mom! I love it!"
"Maybe you can wear it while your playing outside with Hanabi in the snow! "
"Yes mom!" I said. I ran out the room while i took it on.

"Look Hanabi! Mom made me this scarf, isnt it pretty?"
"Its so pretty!" She said, admiring it.

We both was wearing clothes and were ready to go out.
"Be back before 3 o'clock!" Mom shouted.
"We will be right outside playing in the snow! " I said as we ran out in the snow.

"What should we do first? Build a snowman? Make snowangels? Snowballwar? Make a cave in the snow?"

I took a bunch of snow in my hand and formed it into a ball. Then i threw it at Hanabi and ran.

"Ow!" She started crying before she ran, behind a big pile of snow.

"LET THE SNOWWAR BEGIN!" She shouted as we started throwing snowballs back and forth.

I started to make a castle, suddenly i felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and there was Neji.


I saw something that looked like a castle, so of course, i climbed up to see what's going on. When i got on the top all i saw was Hinata throwing snowballs to something that looked like another castle. I took my hand on Hinata's shoulder. She seemed a bit surprised by that i was here.

"What are you doing?" I whispered to her.

"I'm having a snowballwar with Hanabi. "

"Snowballwar? well that sounds terrifying. I mean, a snowballfight is more normal."

" Want to join?" She asked me, blushing.

I was not sure what i should say, honestly i think snowballfights are childish, but what's the difference with a snowballfight and a snowballwar? Maybe it will be fun, i mean, Hinata and Hanabi is playing most of the time alone, why not join to see what they're doing? I mean its like 8 in the morning and as long the others are asleep i can play, right?

"Uhm, ok. Just tell me what i have to do."

"You can either join my or Hanabi's side, and throw snowballs, try to hit their body, but you are not allowed to put anything in the snowball befor you throw it! ok?"


I have a plan, if i just push Hinata down and use a jutsu, i can win!

I pushed Hinata down. It seemed like she landed fine without any wounds.

"Hey! What are you doing? " She said as she started to cry.

"You cant push your teammate down!" She cried.

Suddenly she ran, into the woods.


Of course Neji did that! I know i shouldnt trust him, but it seemed like he was interested in actually playing with us. He is just pure evil. He has hated the me since i was born! I dont know why i started to run, but it just felt right. To just run away. I stopped.

"where am i?"

I realized that i didnt recognise where i was. I walked around a little bit.

"If i just walk back the way i came, i'll come back to the house.

Suddenly i saw about 3 boys,  walking my way and laughing. It looked like they was about 3-4 years older than me and that they havent seen me yet.

"E-excuse me" I said as i blushed.

The boys looked at me with disgust in their eyes when they saw me.

" What do you want?" One of the boys said.

"I-i cant find the way home " I looked down to the ground.

"Hey the girl is from that family! "

" What are you talking about? What family?"

"The Hyuga" As he said that everything became quiet. They turned around and looked at me, and the next moment i was laying on the ground.

"You know, you really are freaky."

"Yeah and your eyes are so scary, are you an alien or something?"

I started crying. In the distance i heard someone yell "Lady Hinata" .

But then i heard someone shout:

"Leave her alone!" I couldnt recognice the voice. Who was he?

I lifted my head up a little. There he stood. The boy who my mom always told me to stay away from. The boy who always got kicked out of every store. There he stood. Defending me.

"get lost, kid."

"I said; leave her alone!"

"What are you gonna do? Fight us?" One of the boys said as the other ones laughed.

"Y-yeah! I'll fight you!" While he said that i stood up, none of the boys seemed to notice it.

He started to run to them while holding his fist up. Halfway he slipped on a tiny stone and fell.

The boys started laughing.

"what a loser"

"yeah lets just go" Said one of the boys and they left.

"T-thanks" i muttered while helping him up.

"Are you okay? " He asked me. He cared about me!

"I-i'm ok" I said as i blushed.

"Your scarf is destroyed, here have mine." I told him while i took of my scarf and when i was about to give it to him,of course:

"Lady Hinata! We have been looking all over for you!" My mom said as she came running from the woods.

"Are you hurt? Who did it? Why did you run away? Are you ok? Where have you been?" She asked. Then she saw Naruto.

"Did that boy hurt you?" She pointed to Naruto. Some other members of the clan came.

"N-no! He saved me! Some bullies came and pushed me to the ground, then he came and saved me!"

"Ah, i see. Well we have to go now. Thank you.... Naruto."

Naruto? so that must be his name. He looked to the ground, but when mom said "thank you" he looked so surprised, doesnt he gets compliments often? Mom took my hand and we started walking.
I turned around and said to him:

"Thanks again" and smiled. He looked surprised, then ran away.

~I was bored and in an NaruHina mood, so i thought; why not write a story about them? There wont be any upcoming parts to this. Well, i hope you liked the story! ^-^ ~

My Secret Crush : NaruHina ♥ (Oneshot)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora