The Hunt.

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  In the dead of a cold winter night four ponies rushed toward echother and nearly collided outside an abandoned diamond dog mine.

  Applebloom looked at her friends. Scootaloo, Sweety Belle and Diamond Tiara. "You chasing a myserious shodow that stole your pet too?"

  Sweety Belle nodded. "Affirmative. The monster mad off with -- --- ..- ... .."

  Diamond cast a suspicous glare at Scootaloo. "Why are you here? You don't have a pet."

  "The monster stole my scooter. And this seemed like a cool adventure."

  Diamond rolled her eyes. "The three of you are fairly capable. I am going back to town and finding backup."

  Lilymoon ran up to the girls. "Did you see where the shadow went?"

  Bloom pointed a booted hoof at the mineshaft. They could hear Button Mash singing in the distance.

  "I know the four of us will get back Colonel Wigglesworth, Mouse, Clown, Painite and the scooter," said Bloom.

  "Five of us," interjected Diamond. "I am going with you."

  "Alright then lets get going!" Apple bloom and Lilymoon ran into the mine.

  "I thought you were going back to town," said Scootaloo.

  Diamond tightened her pink scarf. "Like you have never done something stupid for a cute girl."

  "I would not say Lightning Dust is cute, but I see your piont."

  The inside of the mine was scantly lit by Lilymoon's glowing horn.

  Diamond walked beside Lilly. Their flanks would bump every few steps. "It is so brave of you taking the lead on this adventure."

  Lily blushed. "I am not leading. We are all in this togeher. As a team."

  "Your modesty is what makes you a good leader."

  "I found some tracks," called Bloom from up ahead. She stood at a fork in the path. Big tracks came down the track to the left and went down the path to the right.

  Lily looked closely at the tracks. "These are cragadile tracks."

  "Cragadile don't live in mines," said Scootaloo.

  "They don't turn into shadows and steal pets either," added Bloom.

  "Ladies, we have a mist form on our hooves." Lily had to pretend she knew what the monster was. She had to impress Diamond.

  "What is a mist form?" asked Scootaloo.

  Sweety Belle said, "Mist form. Noun. A monster that lives in dark damp places such as caves, mines or forests. They are shape shifters who feed on hot air. They are known for stealing shiny objects. A gathering of mist forms is known as a fog."

  "Shiny thing?" thought Bloom aloud. "Like pet collars! Do you know how to track a fog?"

  "Ofcourse she does," scolded Diamond. "Lily is the best tracker in town." Diamond knew Lily was wrong but didn't correct her. She didn't want to embarass Lily infront of their friends. "Even I can tell these tracks were made by a monster who was walking backward."

  Lily looked at the tracks again. "That is right!" She smiled at Diamond. "I honestly didn't notice. I was too distracted trying to identify the monster." She put her leg around Diamond's shoulders. "You should be our leader."

  Diamond blushed. "I would rather be your partner."

  The girls followed the tracks out of the mine and onto a rock farm. The tracks suddenly stopped.

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