𝟱༄𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙒𝙖𝙮𝙨

Start from the beginning

The blonde hair replayed the scene of Aokiji and [Y/n] admiring the Moon together. And his heart nearly burst out his chest with pure jealousy. He couldn't count how many times he wanted to interfere their interactions, but by far that small moment between them was one he held against Aokiji the most. Through this moment, he realized he had caught feelings for the mad woman. He always imagined, how his composure and calm demeanor balanced out to her exhilarating and adventurous personality. He's loved, kissed, embraced many women but none like her.

"We must let her go."

The yonko's voice was solid in his decision. This made Marco's heart drop.

"Let her go?" His voice quivered while stopping in his rushed footsteps.

"We're a burden to her Marco," Whitebeard looked solemn too, "she has so much potential but we hold her back." He was conflicted on this matter. He loved her like his own daughter, but knew if he kept her here she'd never grow stronger. He is far too old to train her like his sons before. 

"Pops, I'm sure theres another way-"

"No. She needs to leave." His voice grew stern. "Not only will she never peak, the Marine will be on our asses until she goes."

The pirate knew well his captain wasn't in any shape to return to the battle field again.

'If I betray my captain, I betray my crew. But if I betray [Y/n], I betray myself.' He thought while scratching his small patch of hair on his head. Both of them so deep in thought, they failed to realize the listener right outside their door.

Marco wasn't the only person who caught feelings for the horned woman, Ace knew it as soon as she saw her strength and determination while fighting his men. He loved every bit of her. From the way she loomed over him, to her smile that gleamed at times of serious matters, and their late night talks under the stars. She was simply, everything.

Hearing the news of her departure put him in a state of panic. Perhaps Whitebeard forgot to take his meds, or maybe even overdosed on them a little. She was too precious to the crew to just let go. Even the old man knew it. She was the newest edition, and was well respected.

Ace stumbled to the top deck in a haze of solemnity and anger. Going to the edge and tightly squeezing the rails, making the wood underneath his palm creak on the verge of splintering. This wasn't the time for his usual antics of laughing it off. It was grief and denial flooding his mind. The fire user decided to go to bed to process everything. He was supposed to be in the crow's nest duty for tonight, but he couldn't stand the thought of his love leaving.

The Marine Headquarters couldn't stand it either. Aokiji, seemingly having no honor in his words, found the first person to tell of his encounter with the woman.

Sengoku the Buddha. Successor of Kong and the current Fleet Admiral with the Hito Hito no mi. A powerful, heavy mythical zoan fruit that makes you into solid gold. He was of course one of the most trusted members to Aokiji.

Opening the wooden door to his office, an unexpected guest awaited for him. Garp, chomping on a bag crackers while drinking tea with Sengoku, it was almost like a daily ritual for them. Aokiji knew well he'd have to tell the white haired man too.

"Kuzan. You didn't make an appointment this time." Sengoku, the black haired man with a long braided goatee rose a brow at his coworker. Garp continued to snack on crackers while dazing at him.

𝙁𝙤𝙜𝙜𝙮 𝙈𝙞𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧 𓆩𓆪𝙊𝙣𝙚 𝙋𝙞𝙚𝙘𝙚 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧𓆩𓆪Where stories live. Discover now