Confusion. Curiosity. Visions

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It was almost lunch time, so Riven went back to the apartment he shared with Sky to change his clothes.

When Riven got there, Sky was in the bathroom, taking a shower. Riven changed his clothes and sat on the bed, staring at the ceiling while smoking a cigarette.

-Riv? Are you ok, I haven't seen you since the meeting.

- I don't know mate, I'm a bit confused.

-Why, what happened?

- Musa, it's strange... I mean... ugh I don't know ! Said Riven who seemed to be getting angry.

- Is she ok? Riven tell me! Sky was like a brother to Musa so he was worried.

- Yes, yes, the little fairy is ok, but something strange happened. I was with her in the director's office, we were both nervous and asked to be reassigned.

- So far it seems normal. Sky added

-After her father appeared, he said something to me and then I don't remember anything that was discussed in the office after he came. I only remember that Musa was sitting in front of me, with a hand on my cheek. It seems that her father cast a spell on me, he froze me, and she effortlessly brought me back to normal with a simple touch.

-And?-You do not understand? Sky, she is a young fairy, how did she break the spell cast by her father so easily?- She is special.- After undoing the spell, she simply left, without saying anything to me.-And what did you do, Riv?- Of course I went after her.- No, you didn't.- Yes, I did.-And what did she tell you?- Not much, I asked her and she told me it was mind control. She told me that her father controlled me and froze me. It seemed strange to me when I recovered and he wasn't there, she told me that she released me. And she just left, without saying anything to me.-Riven, since the school started, you've been rude to her, you insulted her constantly, you're lucky that she didn't leave you frozen.- What is more strange is that I have never seen mind fairy do this.- Let's go to the canteen. I am hungry and you are confused, you can do what you want after. The fairies were already in the canteen. Musa was next to Stella and Terra.- Are you okay, Mus? I heard that your father was here... said Terra worried- I'm ok, I don't let him ruin my life.- Of course you won't let him. Stella said as she hugged her.The boys arrived at the canteen, Riven kept staring at Musa.-Riv, stop staring! Sky whispered- She is hiding something, and I will find out what. Sky rolled his eyes.

After they ate, Musa and the fairies were outside by a tree, sitting on a bench, suddenly Sky and Riven approached them.-Sky, how are you?- We are fine Aisha, we came to see if you know anything about Bloom. The director said that she would look for solutions and that she would tell you. Do you know something?-Unfortunately not, we have also looked for solutions but nothing comes to mind. Stella said. Musa did not pay attention to them, the chaos in the canteen tired her so she relaxed listening to the music. Musa suddenly felt dizzy, took off her headphones. Her eyes were purple, shining, they had entered a kind of trance. Her gaze was fixed, the fairies had panicked.- Musa, Musa! Look at me, Mus! Terra tries to break her out of her trance. The other fairies and Sky looked inside the school to call for help.- Musa! Terra, what's wrong with her? Riven asked- I don't know, it's the first time I see her like this! Terra replied.Riven was scared, Terra was panicking, Musa was showing no sign. She just sat there, her eyes were brighter than ever, it seemed like she didn't hear or see anyone around. Suddenly Musa Musa's eyes became normal, she gasped.- Oh, Musa! You scared us! Terra said as she hugged her.Musa was pale, her head was spinning.-What happened? It was as if you entered a trance. Terra asked- Because it was a trance, well it was a vision, it was Bloom. he was in the other world with Beatrix, he said that they were fine and that they needed our help to get out. replied Musa.-Okay, trance, visions, did you smoke something? Terra, let's take her inside to the doctor. Riven said- I do NOT need a doctor, I know what I saw!In the meantime, the school principal came with Musa's father and the fairies.

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