The actual Titled part 30.

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POV Sophie

"Yes we do. Who is it?" The waiter asks.

"The man who just went to the bathroom. He's not my boyfriend. He kidnapped my actual boyfriend and has tried to rape me. Please, do whatever you have to to keep him away from me." I plead

"Okay. Do we have time to call the police?" The waiter questions.

"Call the police on who?" Fitz asks from the doorway.

Instead of responding the waiter tackles Fitz to the ground and starts pummeling him with his fists.

"Ow what the fu-!" SLAM Goes the waiters fist into Fitz's face. "You bitch,  you told on me!" Fitz snarls.

(gore warning)

Fitz rolls them over so he's on top and it's not going well for the Waiter.

The Waiter manages to push Fitz off and then runs over to a draw from which he pulls out a gun.

By now there's blood everywhere and both boys have broken noses, cut lips, black eyes, and bleeding knuckles.

"Hands up!" The Waiter yells.

"Fuck you!" Fitz spits, keeping his hand down and walking up the the boy with the gun.

"I will shoot if you take one more step!" The Waiter threatens Fitz.

Fitz flips my off with what looks like a broken middle finger and take another step.


Blood is flowing from a hole in Fitz's chest. 

"Sophie....can you come here?" Fitz asks in a whisper.

I walk over and lean over him cautiously, fear evident on my face.

"do you love me, Sophie?" Fitz asks weakly, eyes flashing with hurt when he focuses on my expression.

"For the last time, No!" I say. Before getting up and thanking the Waiter.

"No problem. I'll take care of this. You go home." The Waiter says with a small smile.

"Thanks. I'm sorry I caused you all this trouble." I say before walking out of the restaurant.

I walk down the street till I see a empty alley where I pull out my home crystal and leap home.


We have Him! We've saved Keefe! Marella found him and told me while Sofitz was on a 'date'.

Right now Sophie and Keefe are kissing and Biana's crying into Tam shoulder because Fitz is dead. Wonderboy Deserved it, even she admitted it but family is family.

I'm with Petra right now and we're all mostly happy.

That all folks. I'm leaving Wattpad now. Goodbye my lovely people. I'll miss you.

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