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The Camelords: Chaos Reigns (Mystery/Thriller)
Cover Type : Level 1 Easy

The Camelords: Chaos Reigns (Mystery/Thriller)Cover Type : Level 1 Easy

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By Eternal-Theory

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By Eternal-Theory

Betrayal. Death. Pain. Hopelessness. Such words have never been directed towards Saoirse, the City of Freedom until now. Around the city, countless attacks are being reported and filling the offices of the Protectors. They all call with the same wordless cry, all filled with pain and equal suffering. The civilians have cried and begged for an answer, a person to blame. Little did any of them know, things were about to get a lot worse. Laura and Varian Camelord are next to take on the responsibility of finding the root of the chaos. At last, there is news, a lead to work from. It is far worse than anybody has anticipated from their nightmares. Will the Camelords be able to bring peace and justice back to Saoirse, or will paradise become Hell?

 Will the Camelords be able to bring peace and justice back to Saoirse, or will paradise become Hell?

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Carissa was one of the first few people on Wattpad to help me with my book when I started, so you can imagine the pleasure it was when she asked me to do a cover for her. Her book is amazing, her writing even more so, and this cover has a particular message to her readers, as I worked it out that way. Varian is a metaphor for a cloudy sky. Although it wasn't intentional, it suits his reality; his spine is a crumbling tower, and his soul is shielded by lightning. Only Laura can save him, just as she alone can save the city of Saoirse from danger. If you want to know more, please check out her book!

 If you want to know more, please check out her book!

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