Izuku: not at all, I chopped off my arm, this is a prosthetic


She started examining her son for any more injuries


Izuku: I ripped them out and put in new ones... Apparently for no reason

Inko: let's go right now! We need to see recovery girl!

Izuku: it's fine mom really... So what have all of you been up to?

Sero: Ultimate moves-

Iida: please control your pet! It's trying to eat Mineta!

Eri: don't stop Fen! No one touches Mamma!

Izuku: first of he's not a pet, he's family, second of all I don't control Fen, Eri does

Everyone sweat dropped knowing that the giant wolf did the bidding of a little girl

Eri: so don't mess with me

Izuku: Rumi I've got to say you're doing an amazing job with her self confidence

Rumi: thanks babe

Izuku: all right then, show me these Ultimate moves!

*One ultimate move montage later*

Katsuki: beat that Deku!

Izuku: wow, those were pretty mediocre

Everyone: WHAT!

Izuku: yeah we all improved a bunch, hell Eri has an Ultimate move

They started at Eri who was eating an Apple on Fenrir's back

Izuku: show them how you've improved guys

Ejiro showed off Unbreakable, how? He ran through several layers of concrete, Cementos even tried to send more his way only for the young teen to bulldoze through it. Everyone was amazing at the improvement since the last they saw him he could only harden his arms

Izuku: even I have to admit my hands hurt from punching him in his Unbreakable state

That seemed to be more icing on the Unbreakable cake since many of Class 1-A was inspired to do better

Next was Mina, she showed off her accuracy and precision with her acid, rapid firing at targets set up by Izuku

Katsumi: what the hell! How can you fire it off so fast?

Mina: it took a while but I was taught by a tribe of ancient dwarves!

Izuku: don't exaggerate, some old friends of my dad helped her out,

Kyouka pressed her jacks to her throat and took a deep breath, she released a supersonic scream which she called Valkyrie's war cry

Shoji: Loud!

Kyouka: sorry!

Kaminari: that was awesome! You turned yourself into a speaker

Momo using a mix of magic and skill was able to make multiple weapons appear from her body at once and then retract them

Izumi: where did they go? Did you eat them?

Mineta: that's hot- AHHH!

Eri/Izuku: don't stop Fen!

Ochako had a few things to show off, she made herself weightless but increased the weight in her shoes by a little, her speed was comparable to a 5% one for all user, and she used that to run around the gym touching any and all piles of concrete

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