"Thanks, Kookie, you can go ahead and go," Jisung said, smiling at the younger boy. Once Jungkook left, Jisung turned to Changbin. "Go ask Jin Hyung if you can make drinks for me! You know I can't be up front alone. Besides, Lisa is already bussing tables, Eric is washing dishes, and the breakfast rush is gonna start soon, I'll need help!" Changbin's face lit up as he turned to walk into the kitchen where their boss, and owner of the cafe, Kim Seokjin could always be found making pastries to go with the coffee people ordered. Jisung got situated in the front, and just as he set his till in the register Changbin walked up with a grin on his face, which Jisung knew meant that their wish had been granted. They stood at the counter talking for a few minutes before an impossibly good-looking man with a full face anyone and their mother would be jealous of, and light, dusty brown hair that fell just above his eyes in a messy way that looked picture perfect, walked in side by side with another man whose face reminded Jisung of a puppy.

"Hi! Welcome to the Moonlight Cafe! How can I help you?" Jisung said with half-fake enthusiasm.

"Hi, I'd like 2 americanos please." Said the handsome man

"Alright, will that be all for you today sir?"

"Yeah, that's all for me."

"That'll be ₩6485.50," as the man put in his card to pay, Jisung asked, "Could I get a name for the order?"

"Hyunjin." Said the man, putting his card back in his wallet.

"Okay, Hyunjin, we will call out your name when your drinks are ready." Jisung bowed and turned to give the ticket to Changbin, who started on the drinks immediately. He walked back to the register to take the other man's order.

"Hey, I'll take an iced vanilla bean frappuccino with whipped cream, and a cinnamon roll with extra icing." Said the man. He had dark hair with blonde streaks in the front that fell in front of his eyes. He had braces on his perfectly white teeth, which made his already-perfect smile even cuter and more contagious.

"Okay, will that be all for you today?"

"Yes, thank you." Said the puppy-like man.

"Okay, that'll be ₩6856.80. Can I get a name for the order?"

"It's Seungmin." The dark-haired man said, looking at Jisung with a small smile.

"Thank you, Seungmin. We will call your name when your order is ready," Jisung took the ticket back to Changbin, and, noticing that he had no more people in line turned around to help Changbin. First, he went to the open wall with a counter that allowed items to be passed from the kitchen to the front and called to Jin, "Hey, Jin Hyung! I need a cinnamon roll, extra icing."

"There's a tray on the cooling rack, about 2 minutes," Jin said. Jisung walked over to the drink station and helped Changbin finish the drinks.

"Assuming you're finishing the Americanos, I'll start the frappuccino." Changbin nodded, and Jisung started on the drink. After filling the cup with ice and the coffee, he handed it to Changbin to finish and walked back to grab the cinnamon roll.
After placing the cinnamon roll carefully in a box and then a bag to carry it, he grabbed both orders of drinks, knowing the boys had come in together, and called them both out.

"2 Americanos for Hyunjin, and a vanilla bean frappuccino, whipped cream, and a cinnamon roll for Seungmin?" When Jisung called out the latter's name, Changbin turned around to face the 2 men.

"Seungmin?" Changbin asked, walking over to the counter.

"Oh my gosh! Changbin! How are you?" Seungmin's face lit up as he saw his old friend.

"I'm fine. How've you been? Gosh, it's been so long, what like 10 years now?"

"Yeah it's been a while, hasn't it? I'm doing great actually. I've got a really secure job and a great place to stay. Not to mention great people to share it with," Seungmin's eyes flickered toward Hyunjin, who was scrolling on his phone, oblivious. "But I thought you guys moved away years ago!"

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