Chapter 108: Mrs. Dunley

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"Gotham may not be the best city but it's people are strong. In many ways I'm glad I grew up in a place like this. It made me who I am today." He stopped in front of the last building on the street and looked up at it.

"What is this place?" She asked, looking up at the rundown building as well.

"An old friend of mine lives here." Jason smiled down at her before knocking on the front door.

"You have friends?" She asked sarcastically.

"Ha ha. Very funny." He grinned at her.

The door suddenly opened to show an elderly woman inside. "Jason!" She smiled widely at him. "I'm so happy to see you." She looked down at the small girl standing next to him. "Who is this lovely little lady?"

"Hey Mrs. Dunley. This is Marinette." He smiled softly at the woman. "She's my new little sister." He wrapped his arm around Marinette's shoulders.

"Bruce adopted another one?" She asked in surprise.

"No. She's just dating one of my brothers."

"Oh, I heard something about the youngest Wayne boy getting a girlfriend." She stepped aside. "Come on in. You are letting all of the cold air in."

Marinette and Jason stepped inside and Mrs. Dunley quickly shut the door behind them. Marinette looked around and notice that this placed screamed that an elderly woman lived here. Every table had old plaid runners on them. Even the old boxy TV had one running across the top. She also noticed a cat tree and a few cats laying on the old floral pattern sofa. This place made her feel at home though. It might have been the fact that the place smelled of baked goods like pies and cakes.

"Come, have a seat." The woman waddled her way over to the old rocking chair by the window.

"So, how have things been since the last time I've been here?" Jason asked as he guided the two over to the sofa.

"I finally took Sassy to the vet." The woman pointed to a pretty looking orange cat on the arm of the sofa next to Jason. "She's pregnant. I don't know what alley cat got ahold of her because all my males are neutered." She shook her head.

"At least the kittens will keep you busy." Jason smiled widely at her. "You did say you were getting bored around here."

"I did say that, didn't I?" The woman chuckled. "By the way, I just made some banana bread. Would you care for some?"

"That sound's nice." Jason nodded.

"How about you, sweetheart?" Mrs. Dunley looked at the bluenette.

"Sure, I would love some." She beamed.

"What a lovely girl." The woman said mostly to herself as she walked to the kitchen. A moment later, she came back with two paper plates with a thick slice of banana bread on each. "Here you go." She handed them off. "Eat up."

"Thank you." They both said in unison.

"Marinette, was it?" The woman asked and Marinette nodded. "Why is a lovely girl such as yourself in Gotham of all places?"

"I won the Thomas and Martha Wayne Scholarship. My whole class is here in Gotham." She said after taking a bite of the bread. "This is really good by the way."

"It's an old family recipe." She smiled at her. "So, you are going to GU after the summer?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'll be studying Fashion and Design."

"Smart, creative and beautiful? That Wayne boy is quite lucky."

"Oh, uhh... I guess." Marinette blushed.

"Speaking of the Wayne boy." Mrs. Dunley turned her attention back to Jason. "You said he was an animal lover, right?"

Jason nodded at her with a mouth full of food.

"Maybe you can ask if he's interested in any kittens. It will be a few months but they are on their way." She glanced over at Sassy.

"I think that's more of a question for Bruce rather than Damian." Jason set his now empty plate on his lap. "I know Damian would say yes."

"I suppose you're right."
"Come back any time!" Mrs. Dunley waved the two goodbye.

"She was really nice." Marinette said after the woman walked back inside.

"She was the one who took care of all of us street kids. She gave us pie every Friday." Jason smiled at the memory. "I help her out every now and again as repayment."

"Wow. That's very sweet, Jason." She looked up at him an admiration.

"Sweet is my middle name." He said sarcastically. "Come on. Let's head to that sub shop I mentioned. That banana bread is wearing off."

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