the meeting

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I feel someone behind me, the light grabs at my eyes and I'm blinded for a second. Once my eyesight clears I see this short pudgy man with a clear beer gut hanging over his belt. He has so little hair it would be surprising if he ever had any.
“Is he one of the students who was fighting james?”
The principal looks annoyed. He replied with clearly not in a happy mood,
“No they aren't, the fight is over with”
“Alright, i came as fast as i could”
The puggy old teacher replied with. The principal walked away not saying another word, I followed keeping my head down. Once we are far enough away i spoke up.

“I can find my classes on my own if you're really busy.. You said you had a map?”
My voice was quiet as a mouse, and seemed really sad.
Though that won't compare to how the principle sounded.
“Alright if that is what you wish, and yes I have a map. Though there's two floors, we're almost at the end of renications of the 3erd which I also have the map for since it's going to be a study hall floor of sorts.”

He hands me the papers.
All my classes are on the second floor. So is my locker. That's nice.
I go and find my classes there all within a minute's lock of each other and my locker. Were allowed to carry our backpacks at this school too. It's nice though their worry of someone bringing a gun to class… I doubt most kids would have access to a school like this though. It's a very small town but preppy and high class.
I drop some of my books off in my locker and decorate it a bit. I'm going to have this locker for the next few years, and might as well make it my own. There's a magnetic pencil holder on the side, it holds a few wooden ones and 3 mechanical ones. A packet of pens and some led + erasers. Some text books on the top shelf.
There's a shelf I put on it, it's magnetic too, it's at the bottom of the locker meant to hold other stuff, i'll bring more tomorrow.

My locker is in a dark corner though which makes me nervous but I notice two kids nearby talking. In a low voice i hear,
“You got the money?”
“Yeah you got the.., stuff?”
The other kid asks. The first one pulls out a bag of something green. Looks like weed. They exchange the goods for money. Guess this is what the school deals in.
The last school i was a dealed alcohol, no one really was aloud to drink but alot of us were middle class families and someone always had a drinking problem they didn't care enough to fix.

I head to class, it's nearby. English. The teacher is this thin blond woman, big boobs, nice ass. Could be a model if she wanted. She is probably too tall for it though, seems like everyone he is tall. She's probably about 5’8. I go up to her as she turns around and spots me; she even singles me over.
“Look here Yvette”
She miss pronounces it like everyone always does.
“I understand you have a iep but that doesn't mean you will get special treatment. You hear me?”
I nod knowing full well it's illegal to go against my iep.
“I understand, also please don't call me that”
My voice goes quiet at the end. She just ends up ignoring me so I go sit down in the back, she doesn't seem to mind.
People come in quickly, most have ice coffees, some hot. They don't look old. Infact pretty fresh. Good to know there's a coffee area around here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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