Teach me how to flirt, chapter eighteen.

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“So, did you arrange everything for the road trip?” Mary squealed as soon as Ella told her about it. Zack laughed and put his hand instinctively on Ella’s thigh.

“Well, yes. I know what I’ll take, a couple of simple outfits as we’re staying in the car most of the time.” Ella chatted and Zack watched her with a faint smile on his face. She looked so happy and relaxed, and Zachariah Renaldo was so glad he had something to do with it. In the morning, she was a total wreck, but when he just made an appearance, she got better. It gave him confidence, faith or maybe proof that she did love him. And it comforted him, maybe it was a little selfish to feel comfort through watching your loved one hurting, but for Zack, it was a comfort. Not because she was balling her eyes out, it was because of how fragile she looked, how distrusting she felt and with all that, she still welcomed him into her life, her heart and home. She was amazing, No

She was his chika.

The girls kept talking none stop and Zack liked it that way, because they didn’t leave time for any of the guys to talk so it decreased the tension a bit. Again, Zack believed the girls had something to do with it.

They ordered their food and drinks, Ella eyed Noah when she listened to their order and then silently took a peek at what they ordered in the menu. No one would have noticed the weird gesture, but because Zack had his eyes on her like a hawk, he noticed. Obviously she was worried that they ordered something too expensive, one day, she told Zack about how Noah’s parents weren’t really the richest and by such they didn’t give him much money, and with the fact that Noah is a total spender, he always put them in awkward positions. But back to Ella,

Other than the fact that she looked breathtakingly beautiful in hot pink, and not actually slutty like most girls he saw, the faint shimmer on her lip made her more enticing to him. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her, and neither could Noah. It bugged Zachariah a bit but he kept reminding himself that she was in love with him.

The evening was going on smoothly unlike what Ella expected. She really expected a massacre going on tonight, but while ignoring the awkwardness between the guys, things went smooth and calm. She would kiss Zachariah every now and then, not for the show –because she didn’t care about anyone other than him at this point-, but because she needed to feel bonded with him. Their physical and emotional bond gave her strength, and every time she remembered her parents somehow, a kiss from Zachariah would fix it.

His hand that would rub her thigh from time to time and his lips that would graze her neck every now and then, gave her exciting chills up her spine, she was frightened at how she was attached to him and kept reminding herself of what he said,” no matter what, your life will never be someone’s priority.”

But she had a sense she was his priority for now.

A warm bubbly feeling enveloped her stomach but was splashed with ice cold water as soon as Noah –finally- graced them with his moving lips.

“So, Ella, I didn’t know you liked wearing clothes that practically push your boobs out. I’m glad your guy here, has this influence on you. What a great relationship.”

Zachariah’s fists warned Ella’s eye and she quickly held his hand and rubbed it soothingly as she smiled blankly at Noah and said,” I’m glad to see that you still have the least bit of respect to girls, given that you kept having sex with a girl even after your own girlfriend found you.”

Maryanne eyed Zachariah’s thin lined lips and gulped. She remembers when Ella told her that Noah cheated on her, but she chose to ignore it when she started getting closer to him. This date was becoming less and less romantic, more and more like the faceoff of the EX’S.

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