Too Cold (Little!Steve x Mama!Reader)

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Once Steve was cleaned up his mama made sure that he was dressed quickly, not wanting him to start shaking again. She bundled him up in his warmest pajamas with an extra sweatshirt on top before getting him situated in her bed. Once he was settled with his teddy she turned to go make the hot chocolate, but was stopped by her little boy grabbing into her wrist frantically.

"Mama don't go," he begged, eyes wide and bottom lip trembling. "Please Mama, please stay. I'll be a good boy I promise."

"Stevie, Mama's not leaving," she reassured him, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "I was just going to get you some hot chocolate, I promise."

Steve shook his head violently, refusing to release his mama. "No," he whimpered, trying to pull her down onto the bed with him.

Y/n knew that he was terrified but she hadn't realized just how frightened he had been by the snow. "Okay sweet boy, Mama will stay here," she said calmly, running a hand through his damp hair. "Can you tell me what you need?"

"I need my mama," he said in a distressed little voice. Y/n's heart just about broke at the desperation in her little one's words. She immediately moved closer, pulling him into her arms as he clung to her. A little sob escaped him as she pressed a kiss to the top of his head and she pulled him into her lap, rocking him back and forth and pulling an extra blanket over his body in an attempt to soothe him.

"What if Stevie goes away again?" Steve cried out childishly. "Gonna get left behind again, all alone."

"Mama would come find you," Y/n reassured him. "I wouldn't give up until you were back home with me where you belong."

"Promise?" Steve asked in an anxious little voice. He leaned back in his mama's arms so that he could see her face as he desperately sought the security and comfort that he'd gone 70 years without. "Promise Mama won't leave?"

"I promise sweet boy." She pressed a kiss to his forehead and he collapsed against her again, far too tired to cry out. "Mama's here forever." There were silent tears streaming down Steve's face and soaking into his mama's shirt as he clung to her like she was the only thing keeping him in the present. "I won't let you disappear again."

Y/n continued soothing her little one until his tears stopped and his shivering had long disappeared. He was slumped against her as she supported his body weight, and she could feel him trying to jolt himself awake. Steve hated taking naps, a fact that she was more than familiar with, but today it was necessary. He had pushed himself much farther than he should've and his body needed the chance to heal. Besides, if he let himself nap properly, the wounds on his arms would most likely heal almost completely by the time he woke up. "Oh Stevie," she sighed fondly when he tried yet again to jolt himself awake with a sleepy little whine. "You must be so sleepy, baby. Take a little nap, okay? Mama will still be here holding you when you wake up."

Steve sleepily nodded his head, the strain of the mission was finally catching up to him and so he didn't have the energy to argue with his mama like he normally would. He let her ease him down onto the bed as he clutched his teddy bear, and she laid down beside him so that he could get as close as he wanted. Steve pushed his face into her chest and let out a sleepy sigh. His owies were still hurting, and eventually he'd have to go be debriefed, but he was finally warm again. He drifted off to sleep, safe in the arms of his mama.

When Steve woke up a few hours later he froze. Y/n was more than familiar with this habit of his, and began whispering to him, telling him where he was and who he was with. As soon as his mind caught up, his body relaxed and he nuzzled his face into his mama's chest. "Mama," he sighed happily.

"Hi baby," Y/n said softly, pressing a kiss to his hair. "Where's that pretty face?" Steve giggled as he looked up at her adoringly, chin resting on her chest as his cheeks flushed red. "There's my pretty baby," she cooed, swiping her thumb against her cheek as she cradled his face in her left hand. Steve leaned into the touch, letting out a contented sigh.

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