Chapter 5

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Devin sat upright in his chair as he received news of the girl he had brought to the observatory. 'She survived?....' He shook his head in distaste and lit a cigar. He tapped his foot in annoyance as the girl in front of him reported the news of what had happened in the observatory. Apparently, Libra's star shone brighter than all the others and reacted almost too violently. The weapons that had dropped from the astral star were a pair of dual pistols that were the exact opposite of each other. One had a blade, and the other merged with the bladed pistol to form a much larger cannon, other than that it had an arm brace that shifted onto the users arm. It was fairly simple compared to the other entities and their weapons, but something about them brought a bit of a chill to Devin. Shaking the notion from his mind, he puffed on the cigar and kept tapping his foot while the girl in front of him kept on rambling with her useless speech.

"Is that all?" Devin flicked the ashes from his cigar and sat in his chair, closing his eyes as he did so, hoping that there would soon be an end to the senseless spouting of the words that came out of the girls mouth like an endless fountain. "I'd like you to stop wasting my time, and I'm sure you don't want to find out what happens when I get annoyed." The girl immediately widened her eyes and shot her gaze to the floor, shivering in fear as she parted her lips to speak once more. "Sir Lion wishes for you to join him and the rest of the Skull down in the hall..." A rush of wind brushed by the girls cheek as she looked back upwards to the looming man who stood in front of her. A hand wrapped tightly around the hilt of a blade, one that pressed a little bit into the girls flesh. The shivering and cowering in fear only grew as Devin put a little bit of pressure on the girls neck, practically sinking a bit of the blade into her neck, a small splurt of blood oozing out of the fresh cut. The brim of Devin's hat tipped over his face, shadowing his face and practically showing only one of his eyes, gleaming out from the shadows. A slow smile spread across his face, giving the girl who served him the feeling of utter despair. "M-Mr. Sting.... Ple-" Her voice halted as the blade that sliced into her skin removed itself and was instead replaced with a hand that pooled the blood trickling down her neck into a cupped palm. Devin moved the hand back to his mouth and tipped it upwards, craning his neck so that all the blood was drank in one gulp. A satisfied breath escaped the mans lips as he spread his arms to his sides and smiled wide. "Thank you, I was feeling a bit.. Famished after all that had happened on my past few missions." The girls' eyes remained wide as she put a hand to her neck and looked back down towards the ground. "Tell Lion that I will be with the council momentarily. It's in my best interest to welcome the newcomer to the life of one of the Skull." Devin's shadow swiveled its tail back and forth excitedly, smiling wide and rubbing its palms together. A low laugh escaping his throat before he walked out, the stamp of his boots echoing throughout the corridor that stretched on almost endlessly, leaving the girl standing there with crimson seeping out of her neck and onto the monochrome floor.


"Over there is the Crypt, where all of the souls of the departed gather and give us valuable information, usually about the person who killed them or the organization that may be a suspect to their death." Elizabeth had kept talking as she guided Gwyn senselessly through the entire city of Death known as Hades. Over the past couple of hours, she'd taught her some of the most crucial information that the ancient city held. Growing used to the fact that her new objective had been to hunt down the man who murdered her and to bring him into justice, Gwyn still had a hard time wrapping her mind around the fact that she had been dead. 

Sure, she was a reaper, and the reapers had been officially labeled as the undead spirits of the astral plane that wandered the world, dealing out divine punishment to those who were deserving of nothing less, but it was something about the whole thought that being dead was a part of her daily life now. No getting up in the morning and fixing herself to go to school, no normal classes that would teach her actual things that could've been useful in her future, no hanging out with friends and chatting like there was a care in the world. Now it was just going to be getting up to put away souls into coffins, and taking away lives because that's what her job description now entailed. 

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