"Oh, cool!" my friend smiled. "You like superheroes, and such?" I nodded my head and closed my book.

"Yeah. How about you? Do you read manga?"

Yukito beamed. "Yeah! I like the slice-of-life genre, and sometimes romance as well!" He frowned a little bit. "But I do wish that romance manga were more inclusive to couples of the same gender..."

"Really?" I asked with a baffled expression on my face.

"Haha, yeah," he said with a shy smile. "I guess would feel a bit more 'welcomed' if that were the case." "Welcomed"? Is he...? My heart sped up.

"I agree!" I said loudly, standing up. "I-it would be very nice! It would also make me feel more welcomed!" My face flushed, and I slowly sat back down. When I turned my gaze back to Yukito, he was blushing.

"Oh..." he said quietly, smiling just a tiny bit. Does Yuki... like men? I stared at him, thinking of all the possibilities. Maybe he was just joking. Yeah, that's probably it. As I picked up my book and opened it again, Yukito slid off my desk. He then sat down in his seat and scooched his chair right next to me. I felt my heart race as he leaned in to see the manga I was reading.

Yukito pointed to a panel where the hero was fighting his nemesis and asked, "Who's the good guy?"

"The one with the spiky hair," I replied.

"Is he winning?"

"...yeah," I nodded. Yukito leaned away and stood up. He wandered away to talk to some of our classmates, and I couldn't help but stare at him. Wow... he's really pretty... I shook my head to snap myself out of my daze. No, quit it, I thought to myself. Stop fangirling over him. Think holy thoughts! I looked up and saw Yukito staring at me. The person that he was talking to him met my gaze as well, and gently pushed Yukito in my direction. I heard Yukito frantically say something while the other person just laughed. Wow, people really think that we're a cute pairing... I awkwardly waved to the two of them, and the person that Yukito was talking to waved me over.

"Come 'ere!" they hollered. "Tsukishiro has a lil' somethin' he wants to tell you!" I stood up and shuffled over to them.

I turned to Yukito. "Uh... what do you want to tell me?" I asked uncertainly.

"Nothing!" he blurted, his face turning bright red. Yukito turned to the other person. "Haruka, why did you make him come here?! I told you that 'it' is private-!" I raised my eyebrows at Yukito's friend as they let out a loud laugh.

"Why am I even over here?" I grumbled. "Class is going to start soon." I paused. "Hey, what's your name, again? I forgot."

"Haruka Shirazai is the name I was given! 's a pleasure to bask in your presence, Kinomoto!" they laughed as they grabbed my hand and shook it vigorously. Are... are they okay...?

"Um... hey?" I said cautiously, unsure of what to think. "We need to head back to our seats, Yuki." Yukito nodded and waved goodbye to Shirazai.

When we got back to our seats, I asked him, "Why are you friends with that Shirazai kid? They're kind of a nutcase..."

"I don't know," he replied. "They're just fun to be around, I guess."

"Okay," I shrugged as our teacher walked in.

"Are you all excited about tonight's dance?" our instructor asked. "That was a rhetorical question, by the way. Now, speaking of rhetorical questions, today's class is going to all about them..."

The day practically flew by, and before I knew it, I was headed home.

"Welcome home!" Sakura said as I entered the house.

I smirked. "Hey, monster." My little sister fumed at me and stomped her foot as I laughed at her.

"Dad's in the kitchen. You'd better get ready for your dance tonight," Sakura huffed. I snicked and nodded, and as I walked by her, I ruffled her hair.

"Hey, Dad," I said, leaning into the kitchen.

My dad turned around and smiled when he saw me. "Hello, Touya! Are you going to get dressed for your school dance?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "I have to leave by 5:30. And right now, it's..." I glanced down at the clock on the wall and my eyes widened. "It's already 5:21?!" I spun around and sprinted up the stairs. As soon as I made it to my room, I threw off my clothes and hurriedly -yet carefully- put on my suit. Just as I was about to rush back downstairs, I stopped in front of the bathroom. It wouldn't hurt to put on some cologne... I walked into the bathroom and saw my dad's small container of cologne, and I picked it up and sprayed some on me. I gazed into the mirror at my reflection. This is it, I thought to myself. Tonight's the night that I finally tell him...

"Touya!" I heard my dad call. "Yukito is here!" What?! Is it really that late already? I quickly brushed my hair a little bit, and I dashed into my room to retrieve the bag that held the box of chocolates I got for Yukito. Then, I ran downstairs.

"H-hey, Yuki!" I stuttered. "I thought that I was going to go to your house...?"

Yukito blushed. "Sorry, I guess I got really excited..." He fumbled with his fingers and stared down at the floor, his face turning even more pink. I smiled to myself.

"Haha, it's okay," I laughed. "Should we head out?"

"Sure! Oh, and what's that bag you're holding?"

"It's- uh- nothing!" I felt my face heating up.

Yukito giggled, "It's alright. Let's go!" I smiled and held out my arm, and he took it. Yukito waved goodbye to my dad and sister.

"We'll see you later!" he said.

"Have fun!" Sakura replied. "I'm sure tonight will be really special, isn't that right, Touya?" My eyes widened and I made a face at my little sister. She snickered and closed the door.

I rolled my eyes. "C'mon, we don't want to be late."

On our walk to Akizuki's house, Yukito and I talked and laughed with each other. This is so nice... When we finally got to the house, we stopped and stared up at it in awe. It was decorated with streamers, and loud music could be heard from inside.

"Wow!" exclaimed Yukito. "It looks so different!"

"Yeah," I mumbled, my nerves starting to kick in. This is it.

To be continued...

I Think I Love You - A Touyuki FanficWhere stories live. Discover now