Chapter Six- Wednesday

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock. I groaned as I sat up, and I rubbed my eyes. I'm so dang tired... After several long moments of contemplating if I should get out of bed, I begrudgingly stood up. I did my usual morning routine half-heartedly, and I eventually made my way downstairs.

"G'morning," I yawned.

"Good morning!" said Sakura and Dad in unison. My dad had made pancakes, and I grabbed one to eat on the way to school.

"I'm going to go to school," I mumbled. "Bye." I put on my shoes and walked out the door. I yawned once more as I got on my bike, and I slowly biked to school. When I rounded the corner, I noticed that Yukito wasn't waiting for me at his usual spot. Oh yeah, I remembered. Yuki said that he was going to go grocery shopping. I stifled a yawn, and I continued pedaling to the school.

When I got there, I parked my bike and trudged to my classroom. As I walked into the room, Akizuki stared at me with a curious expression on her face. She smirked at me, and I rolled my eyes. I practically collapsed into my seat.

Ding-dong, bing bong!

I didn't even hear the bell when class started, and I was awakened by someone gently shaking me.

"Touya, wake up," he whispered into my ear. "The teacher is about to be here." I slowly lifted my head up.

"Hey, Yuki," I yawned.

Yukito looked worried. "Are you okay? You've been very sleepy lately."

"I'm fine," I said as I sat up straight. "Don't worry." Yukito looked at me worriedly, but he turned back to the front of the room as our teacher entered.

I slept through most of my classes and by lunch, I felt exhausted.

"Touya, you've been so tired all morning!" said Yukito. "Are you feeling sick?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm fine." I sat down at a table outside, and Yukito sat down next to me.

"Oh!" exclaimed Yukito. "I forgot to pack a napkin- I'm going to get one."

"Okay," I yawned. As soon as he walked away, Akizuki sprinted up to me.

"Hey, Touya!" she chirped.

I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" Akizuki stared at me for a second, and then a smirk slid onto her face.

"So," she said, "Yukito's pretty cute, huh?" W-what?! "I should've had a crush on him instead of you!"

"What are you-?!" I felt anger bubbling up in my chest.

"Mhm!" she continued. "He's so nice- a lot nicer than you! I wish I could be with him forever and ever!"

"You little-!" I started to say. Akizuki reached out and grabbed my arm, and suddenly, everything went black. The last thing I heard was someone yelling my name. What did she do to me...?

I woke up in the nurse's office. People- students, teachers, and other faculty members- were standing around my bed, staring at me.

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