Chapter 1 - ''Mr. Mystery'' - Her

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She saw a long black car waiting there, the kind that would suit a chauffeur.

When she saw that there was someone standing outside of the car facing in her direction she panicked, and that feeling only grew when their response to eye contact with her was to open the door of the backseat and wait.

Beth tried to turn and leave in the other direction but when she turned she found herself face to face with that same tall and mysterious man who had been the subject of her interest mere moments ago.

Looking at him up close was both a terrifying and utterly enthralling experience. She found herself unable to look away from him, their eyes locked together.

He was simply looking back at her, not making any movements, but she knew what he wanted and what was going to happen next. He took a step closer to her and she suddenly realized how fast her heart was pounding. She was unable to move. He took another step. Her breath caught in her throat and her heart threatened to break out of its cage in her chest. He took one more step, making his presence known in her personal space. Beth's stomach tightened and flipped and she noticed that this was both the most scared and the most eager she had ever been. She continued to hold her breath as she worked out the next move and looked towards the car.

When Beth looked back at the man now standing only a foot away from her she knew that she had no other choice but to go get in. As she walked towards the car he started to move closely behind. She entered the back seat and so did he, watching her carefully the whole time. Her nervousness was steadily growing as the many thoughts of what might happen next swarmed her head.

The most noticeable feeling to her was not the fearful version of nervousness, but the excited version of it. This man had just been in a gunfight but seemed unharmed. He had a gun on him, but hadn't used it to threaten her. He could have, he could have even killed her if he knew she was a witness, but here they were. Somehow this didn't feel like a dangerous kidnapping, but more of an adventure that will affect her whole life.

Sitting in the backseat of the car, unable to see out of the covered windows, she was consumed with thoughts and feelings. Why was she being taken? Where were they going? Why was every part of her body pounding inside her? She looked towards the man sitting next to her. He was already looking at her but still unmoving and unspeaking. She wanted so badly to ask these burning questions, it was her life after all and she felt she had a right to know, but words had no place in her mouth. Her mouth was so dry, she noticed she had been holding it slightly open while looking at her captor and she licked her lips and bit her bottom one as she continued to look him over.

He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Once she was able to look away from his dark, deep eyes that almost put her in a trance she went to explore the rest of his physique. He was the definition of tall, dark, and handsome with thick, curly hair that fell perfectly around his face, a slim yet defined nose, beautiful and full lips, and a sharp jawline. She knew there was something incredibly dangerous about him. She felt his strength, his power, his dominance, radiating off of him and suffocating her in the confined space. The most dangerous part was that she wanted to see more. To feel more. She wanted to arrive at their destination and see him go into action. It almost didn't occur to her what might happen to her, she was far too busy thinking and wondering about this man who was so close to her she could touch.

Beth noticed the roads start to feel less like the city and more like they were approaching somewhere distant and secluded. They pulled up to a gate and passed through.

When they parked the mysterious man exited the car first, the chauffeur making no attempts to move. It seemed only in an instant that her door was being opened to the view of a very tall man, with a powerful aura waiting for her to step out in front of him and she suddenly felt her throat tighten and stomach knot.

She was so nervous to step out to him like that; the thought of  looking up at him from that angle and slowly standing made her want to faint.

She made to get out and turn her back to him as quickly as possible, also hoping to be able to get a look around. When she turned she saw that there was nothing but darkness, trees, and the long gravel driveway on which they drove in. Not that it mattered whether there was somewhere she could run to because the second her back was to him he had a firm grip on her arm. She turned to face him but he did not let go. He started pulling her gently around to his side and continued to walk with her like that.

Looking up to see where they were going, Beth laid eyes on the most beautiful mansion she had ever seen. Lots of balconies and windows, a beautiful garden with vines crawling up the walls, and it was all lit up with a warm golden glow. This place had an amazing lavish yet homey feel and she became even more enticed than she was before.

Beth could not stand to be pulled along in silence with all this tension building up inside her, so she gave what was surely the most feeble attempt she could muster:

"My name is Beth by the way"...

Happy 21stTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon