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we all stayed up as none of us were able to catch sleep. well, by we all, i mean everyone not including myself as i had been running the whole day without any rest.

when i had woken up, they were all in the same position as in the night. supposedly, they only talked during the night, or maybe even just stayed in the silence through it all.

but they stayed in silence together. that was what mattered. they weren't alone, they had each other. it's a great feeling: knowing you have someone there with you, knowing you're not alone. it's great that they have that security in knowing that they can always rely on each other to not feel isolated in any way.

not even whilst having an absent family member, not even whilst having two absent family members, they know they aren't alone in that.

the day went by slow, slower than the past few days. perhaps it's because we all knew that it was their last full day here with us at the icina village.

knowing that i'd have to say goodbye tomorrow made me feel sick. i had felt like i could pull each and ever braid out of my head and gnaw on them until i'm violently throwing them all up.

i found love with our guests. i found friendship. to have to say goodbye and not see them until the next winter is a different type of pain, one that's simply unexplainable.

the sun was still set and only just rising when we left the igloo. since they were leaving early in the morning, this was technically the 'goodbye day'. of course not for the hosts though as we are able to watch them leave. least favourite part of visits. most painful part of visits.

and although the sun was starting to come up, the rise wasn't visible as the sky was fully clouded up. with snow clouds.

the soft flakes were falling ever so slowly and landing ever so peacefully on us, making it look like we had diamonds glued on us.

the ground we stood on got thicker by each minute, thankfully ice navi have strong legs just for this reason so getting through the snow wasn't an issue. for me at least, the others struggled of course but they got through it, so it was all right.

watching as they hugged the others in the village made my frozen heart crack. watching how broken their faces looked was unbearable. no matter how many goodbyes we would've had to face, it hurt more and more each time, and i knew this one would hurt the most.

after going through the whole village, the sun was already setting, and so we stayed together out in the soft snow to watch the sky turn orange. our parents joined as well, laying not too far from us.

loak put his arm out for me to lay my head on though he would clearly get a cramp from it, i appreciated the gestured and used it to my advantage. i got as close to him as manageable and decided to rest my head on his chest instead, listening to his heart beat.

it was irregularly high. a grandpas heart beat could be one way to describe it.

neytiri sang a song for us. a beautiful song. all of us listened to it all, taking in the words.

without even noticing, loaks heartbeat decreased and he had fallen asleep. there truly was some magic behind his mothers song. it brought tears from the others and rest to loak.

i set up a fire next to where he was sleeping and stayed with him even whilst everyone else went to shelter themselves with extra warmth.

the sight was too pretty to miss. both the sight of the sky now turning into a dark blue, and the sight of loaks peaceful self.

if only i could have frozen this moment and keep it close with me forever, i would have. the moment when the three clans were together. the moment in which we were happy all together. the moment in which i knew what love was like.

freezing love away // yn + loak sullyWhere stories live. Discover now