She was always my dancing partner, especially when I didn't want to be bothered by any men.

"We've got an audience." She shouted into my ear, referring to Shuri.

"Don't we always?" I responded, laughing.

She had been staring at me since the moment we left the apartment. I actually thought it was cute.

I stopped dancing when I noticed KJ walking over to our section.

"Did you guys invite him?" I asked, turning around to face Mallory who had a smirk on her face.

"Maybe...." She said making me roll my eyes. "We see the googly eyes that he gives you during Calculus. You should hit that." She winked at me.

"Shut up." I laughed, hitting her arm.

"Hey, Happy Birthday." The sound of his voice made me turn around.

"Thank you." I smiled, pulling him into a hug. "Thank you for coming."

"Of course." He smiled.

I ended up sneaking away from our section and going over to the bar with him. We sat there taking shots and laughing at the people that were on the dance floor.

I felt myself starting to loosen up, knowing I was definitely halfway to drunk and I would probably be making some questionable decisions soon.

I looked over at our section to see all eyes were on us. I smirked a little deciding maybe I should put on a show. It was definitely the alcohol that had made that decision

I pulled him closer, crashing my lips into his, taking him by surprise.

I pulled back still feeling eyes on us. I smiled to myself, feeling like I had accomplished something.

"What was that about?" He asked, still in shock from what just happened.

I shrugged before grabbing another shot and throwing it back, acting like nothing had just happened.

| Shuri |

A drunk Riri stumbled over to the sofa, throwing herself down, immediately rolling off and onto the floor.

The sound of her hitting the floor made me take a deep breath in.

"Are you good?" I asked, struggling to hold Hazel, who was asleep and way past drunk.

"I'm greatttt." Her words came out garbled as she threw up a thumb, making me shake my head.

How did I become the responsible one in this situation.

I stumbled into the room as Hazel continued to slowly slide down my leg.

"Oh my..." I mumbled under my breath, finally making it to the bed.

I placed her on to the bed as gently as I could, making sure to lay her down.

"Wait." She mumbled, grabbing my arm. "Are you leaving?"

"Have you been awake this whole time?" I asked, completely disregarding her question.

"Yes." She giggled, placing her head on the pillow. "Don't leave"

"I'm tired."

"Are you mad at me?" She pouted, sitting back up.

"You need to lie down."

"Are you mad at me?" She asked again, ignoring my suggestion.

"Why would I be mad at you Hazel?"

"Because I kissed that guy." Her words continued to slur as her eyes became wet.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, confused by what was even happening right now.

"I don't know." She sniffled, "I'm drunk."

I rolled my eyes, sitting back down on the bed beside her and pulling her into me.

"No, Im not mad." I lied.

I was actually furious, but I just needed to say what she wanted to hear right now so that her tears could stop.

"Okay good." She pulled back laughing.


"Can I go now?"

"You don't wanna stay with me?" She swayed back and forth, it definitely wasn't something that she was doing on purpose. "Do you feel the room spinning too?"

I couldn't keep myself from laughing at this point. It felt like I was talking to a child the way that her words were coming out and her change of emotions.

"I think I have to throw up." She smiled before getting up and stumbling to the bathroom, tripping over literally nothing.

I rested my face in my hands, taking a deep sigh as the sound of her retching came from the bathroom.

I walked over to see her head stuck in the toilet. I grabbed a hair tie from her bathroom sink and walked over to her, grabbing her hair that was all over the place and attempting to pull it into a ponytail.

"Awe, you're so sweet." She yelled, with her face still in the same place.

"Are you okay?" I asked, taking a seat next to her on the floor.

"Yes!" She giggled, still not moving herself. "I think I'm stuck." She giggled some more

I couldn't even be mad at her anymore, she was going through enough already.

I laughed, pulling her back from the toilet and placing her between my legs.

"You're such a lifesaver."'She wrapped her arms around me, continuing to sway back and forth. "Even if you are mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you." My hands ran up and down her back as my chin rested on the top of her head.

"Yes you are." She mumbled, "You know, I really don't like him."

"Hm, I usually don't kiss people that I don't like."

"I just wanted to make you jealous." She shrugged casually. "Just like I was every time I saw you with Bria. It's actually really fun."'She laughed.

"There was no reason for you to be jealous of Bria."

"Mhm," She hummed. "She had you. I wanted you. Where have you been this whole time?" She pulled back from resting her forehead on mine.

The smell of alcohol still lingered on her breath. I didn't mind it, only because it was coming from her.

"It's actually really funny when you're jealous." She smiled, making me roll my eyes.


"Why can't we just be together?" She asked, pulling back and leaning against the wall. "Why do we make everything so difficult? Well maybe not you. But me." She rambled. "I really do want to be with you. I really really really do. I'm probably just self sabotaging again."

I sat quietly as she continued to go on with her random thoughts.

"Do you think I'm self sabotaging?" She asked, struggling to pronounce her words. "That's a funny word. Sabotaging." She attempted to pronounce it again, laughing at herself when she failed.

A smile spread across my face as I watched her. Her cheeks were turning red and some tears had escaped her eyes from laughing so hard.

"Anyway, I had such a good birthday." She sighed, after calming down from her laughing fit. "Also, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" She slid the question in like we were having a casual conversation.

"Wow, I never thought I'd be asking someone that. Wait, don't answer yet. Maybe I should ask in a better way." She laughed again.

She sat up, propping herself in between me with her hands resting on my knees. She cleared her throat, staring at me with her drunken smile.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"You're drunk." I laughed.

"Yeah? I still want you be my girlfriend."

I guess drunk minds do speak sober thoughts...

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