Mount Olympus & Sneak Peek

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"Y/ shouldn't have done that," Prometheus whispered gently leaning into her warm and soft hands, that held him so gently. "Please, escape, flee while you can....please..." He muttered, pushing her into an embrace, unable to resist her tender touch.

Y/n leaned into the hug, her eyes slowly rising to find Zeus staring with a combination of emotions, one couldn't tell if he was scowling or smiling. Lightning struck Prometheus in the back, forcing him to collapse deeper into Y/n's arms. 

She clenched her teeth and sneered at Zeus, who made a mocking kissing-in-the-air move at her before bursting out laughing. "With the way you cling to him, I believed you were some sort of ordinary harlot." Snickers could be heard from the folks down the steps as Zeus joked.

With the last bit of her strength (The rest is used to hold Prometheus) She raised her finger up and flipped off the god. But before she could do anything more, or anything less, her body was rapidly struck by lightning, her roasted body fell lip amongst the steps, Prometheus, screamed out in his own agony of the lightning hitting him but mostly the pain of seeing Y/n's scorched body. Tears were quick to come upon his ashen cheeks.


"Oh--He killed her." Atropos the eldest fate sister murmured, drawing her black hair back as her grey skin, touched the goblet of water in the center of their cave, she popped out the eyeball as her sisters also confirmed such...deed.

Lachesis cringed back, touching her golden fat string, which represented Y/n's. "That result..." Lachesis sighed before being carried on by Clotho, "SO FRUSTRATING! HOW COULD HE?" Clotho yelled, yanking at her wavy black hair, her face twisted up in wrath.

"Sister, calm down... it's— Zeus of all people, but don't worry, he, too, shall come under the curse, I can't wait, to see him be totally intoxicated of love . Love so tremendous that he wouldn't dare think of anything else," Atropos said, holding her arms, Lachesis murmured something under her breath.

however, it had seemed not even Atropos dared cut the golden string that belonged to Y/n, which symbolized Y/n will not die yet. 

She simply let it fall into the goblet of water with the rest of the strings, "Cronos...had done something gravely, that wasn't a part of the plan--I foresaw into the other realm, the god he brought here easily killed the other versions of us."  Atropos uttered.

"But, sister, we're not the same..." Lachesis began by sipping her swampy-colored water "We are not as...foolish, to put it mildly, as someone as strong as he---HE who defies fate, someone with such strength that they may ripple and rend fate apart... It makes no difference since he, too, will come under her control."

Clotho was the first to start giggling loudly, followed by her sisters as they screeched out in laughter.

《Time skip + Meanwhile》

"Boy, hand me the wood." His gruff voice stated, as he easily peeled the skin off the monster they--no--he had just slayed. 

"Yes, father..." Atreus unwillingly grasped the heavy blocks of wood, his father side-eyeing him to ensure he could carry it. Kratos remained silent, except for a tiny thud upon discovering anything beneath the monster's skin. Slowly, he examined what he had obtained; it was a golden small arrow necklace.

He then tossed it, into the pile of wood that he had planned to burn. He didn't bother a single flinch once flamed had piled higher, than possible. Atreus quickly jumped into action, raising his bow just in case some type of creature came out of the fire.

The fire, however, had moved and suddenly appeared as chains, both holding Kratos and Atreus, the fire had converted into solid gold, dragging them into the fire, which slowly turned into a whirling vortex.

Kratos quickly grabbed onto his son, holding the teenage boy close to his chest, as if to act as a shield for him.

《Back to Y/n》

"You're handing me a corpse that's dead...crisp—nearly charred to ash?" Hera inquired softly, a faux smile stretching over her beautiful features. "You don't appreciate my gifts?" Zeus mocked. Looking at the 'dead' body, which had been struck by lightning many times, he murmured like a kicked dog.

"No, I am pleased to receive any presents from you: husband," Hera sighed. She said quietly, resting her hand on his strongly formed shoulder.

Hera let out an deflated sound next expecting Zeus to literally place the heavy 'dead' body in her arms. "How does she still have her hair?" Hera asked mostly to herself in wonder, "Or...perhaps it is a male...?" She once again asked herself, she couldn't tell from all the ash and charred of the body, plus it was slightly disfigured from the lightning hitting the person so many times.

"I assumed since she was important to Prometheus she must hold some value!" Zeus chirped up with a grin, Hera scrunching her nose while speaking, "So...instead of, keeping her alive...and figuring out why she was important--you instead....decide to...kill her?" Hera asked her smile obviously falling.

"Yes..?" he said flatly. "She gave me a bizarre motion with her finger, and somehow...I felt hurt," He shrugged.

Hera was now trying to lift the body, so she used some magic to make it weightless and floated it in the air, examining it more to discover the slight but distinct heaving of the chest.

"Thank you very much-- husband! I'm leaving immediately!" Her speech was hasty as she hurriedly exited the scene, Zeus dismissing it as joy over her new present.

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