"-and he was an American president that was one of the most liked because of how much he cared about the national safety of his country." explained Seigen as Flame understood why he was one of the most important American presidents, "Not to mention he was a badass."

"How so?" asked Flame as Theodore explained why.

"Dude was shot by a revolver, which was stopped by a copy of his speech, and not to mention, he had the balls, the gull, to say that, and I quote, "I have just been shot, but it takes more than a bullet to stop a bull mouse."." he said as he looked at Flame when he said that as Flame's eye was widened when he heard that.

"Oh my Cyberse. I need to do more research on him." he said as he shut his eye, trying to find more information on Roosevelt.

"Can't say I blame him."

"Neither do I." said Theodore as they continued to look at every one of these TVs. "Christ, I have been there for about 30 minutes and I already the biggest star here." said Theodore as he kept looking.

"Are you at least proud of it?" asked Seigen as he raised an eyebrow.

"Well, kind of, but honestly, if it was like one, I would be happy about it, but this is just overkill," said Theodore as he looked to see at least one that didn't talk about him.

They looked at a TV that showed something like a Japanese sitcom, which was a breath of fresh air as they tried to watch it, "Soulburner is more than a hero, he is also a hunk!" said the younger girl.

"Oh for God's sake!" said both Seigen and Theodore at the same time.

"If he was in the alphabet, he would be G for gorgeous!" said the younger girl as the older one sighed.

"Ugh, you fell in love with an avatar? For all we know, he could be U for ugly." said the older woman as she closed her eyes. (A/N: Should I start writing 'Actual Dub Lines' whenever I write these? Because I swear I didn't add that in.)

Seigen looked at Theodore, "I mean...she is kinda right." he said with a small grin on his face as Teddy looked at him.

"Oh screw you." he said with a smirk on his face, he knew it wasn't personal. He looked at the TVs and tried his hardest, his damn hardest, to find a single, just one, little TV where it doesn't talk about him.

He never knew that being popular was a down side, but here he is, hating every second of this. He gritted his teeth, just trying to find one TV that isn't talking about him, but he couldn't find one.

Flame appeared from his duel disk, "Hey, did you know that Roosevelt once saved a bear that was tied up in a bear hunting game, because he found it unsportsman like to do that, so that's the reason why Teddy Bea-"

"CAN THEY JUST STOP TALKING ABOUT ME?!" yelled Theodore as he coughed into his hand as he could feel everyone staring at him weirdly and with slight fear in their eyes, "I mean, Soulburner." he chuckled as Seigen snorted.

"Nice save," said Seigen.

Flame was quiet, "Looks like I found you in a not so welcome mood, so I will go back to my duel disk." he said returning to his duel disk.

"Wait no- I didn't mean-" he dropped his head in shame as Seigen laughed at his best friend's misfortune.

"The pain of being a celebrity, huh?" asked Seigen as Theodore nodded with his best friend.

He looked at him, "Lo-look, can we please go home already? I am pretty sure my grandparents are worried sick." he asked as Seigen as he nodded.

"Yeah, sure." he said as the two best friends walked to their home, but broke once Seigen was at his apartment, and then Theodore went home, placing his bags on the floor and Flame close to the windows since he can't stop admiring them, and decided to watch some My Hero Academia before taking a shower and go to bed.

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