Where am i now? (not just your footprints part 2)

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Terrified, i start to open the closet door and hide in a better spot as they always check the closet. I walk around for a while trying to figure  out where i should hide, but something smashes downstairs. Whoever they were they were definitely dangerous and i needed to get out of this house as soon as possible. Slowly, i walk back to my bedroom and lock the door, to save myself some extra time, i quietly open my window and throw a rope down to climb. I quickly climb down the rope and run down my street.

I started to realise this wasn't even my world. Where was i? the world around me remained silent. Nobody seemed to be here, i was going to have to survive all by myself and i was honestly used to fending for myself as my parents were always fussing over my brother.i was going to get out of here one way or another whether i had to find a way out or make a way out.

The creature from my house suddenly appears behind me. Whatever the creature was it had no facial features and a pure black face, it was tall with very long arms like it was going to strangle me with all its strength. i close my eyes just as the creature was ready to attack and i suddenly teleport to another realm. Everything was normal here, it looked so innocent but judging by where i just was i knew it wasn't going to be all cutesy and fun.

Something moves. i don't know what it was but it moved slightly thinking it was sly. I turn around as if i was going to attack it. It wasn't a creature it was the ghost of a..cat? "Hey there, little kitten...how did you get here?" i say as if the cat was going to reply to me. And obviously it didn't, but it came closer to me and with a blink of an eye the cat was right in front of me. How did this cat even get here? maybe he got teleported like me.

Before i could even interact the cat grew and grew into a tall demon. it was a trick. As soon as i saw the demon move closer to me, i started  rushing down the corridor. God i was terrified, but i wouldn't give up. I was determined to get out of here alive. I started to feel sick and i suddenly..pass out...

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