Not just your footsteps (part one)

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My parents were going to a party today which means i get to stay home alone. how exciting.
"Emma, we will be so worried about you" mom said
"Come on mom, i'm 15 i can stay home alone!" i reply
"Yes hun but we won't be back till late, are you sure you can handle it?" Dad questioned.
"Yes, Yes i can dad" i say annoyed
i don't get annoyed easily, but when people underestimate me it makes me furious.
"Alright em, please be careful and follow all the rules i gave you" mom said worriedly
i hated seeing mom worried, but i would prove to her i'll be okay as i always do.
"Okay mom, your going to be late you better get going i'll be fine!" i say hurriedly
"Bye em!" Dad said
"Bye emma" mom said going out the door
God i thought they would never leave! atleast now i can have some time to myself as i rarely ever get it.
I keep hearing knocking should i be worried? i pick myself up from the bed and walk to the front door i turn the key and open the door to reveal...nothing. "hm, that's weird i swore i heard something" i say to myself
i start getting a little anxious when i hear the knocks again. they seemed to go in a pattern 123...456... and at 7 it would stop! i start trembling as i don't know what to do. i open the door to my closet and sit myself within my clothes. i quickly pick up my phone to call my mom and warn her as to what's going on. The front door unlatches and opens. something or someone was in the house..
-End of part 1

Not just your footsteps.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora