Chishiya - Reciprocate

Start from the beginning

You didn't want to wake him up yet - that was the point in all of this.

After about 5 minutes of quiet shifting, you managed to get outside your door. Which took you an embarassingly long time due to how tired you still were.

You started making his usual coffee. It wasn't anything too difficult or anything, but you could definitely still do it.

If you weren't too sleepy right now.

Every dozen seconds, you could feel yourself slip away and you didn't even pay attention to how much coffee you were already adding in. Or anything, for that matter.

Ultimately, it became a failure.

However, you didn't exactly know that.

Just about when you finished, you were waken up by the sound of your bedroom door opening. In a reflex, you started to slouch-lean onto the counter and smile awkwardly.

"Morning, Chishi." You waved lazily.

"Why are you awake?" Chishiya said, more in a statement than a question. He could tell from the two coffee cups on the table that you made coffee. He just wanted to know why you bothered to do this.

"I made coffee!" You slurred, pushing one cup towards him and patting the seat next to you. "Ffffor you."

He made his way towards you, taking a peek at his own coffee, which looked quite different from his usual. He looked back at you. "It's.. quite different."

"Cause I made it." You smiled.

Chishiya eyed it for a while before taking it and bringing it up to his lips and taking a sip. He place it back down and clicked his tongue.

"Yeah, it tastes bad." He stated nonchalantly. Sometimes his brutally honest nature kind of made you feel bad.

"That's not true," You took the cup and sipped it before putting it back. "Yep, that's not good."

You placed your head in your arms and sighed. "Sorry, I just wanted to make you something."

Chishiya smiled softly, not that you could see it since you were busy sulking.

"Well, you certainly did try." He shrugged, "And I guess that's enough. Now I'll make the coffee this time."

You watched him as he re-did everything. You were a bit saddened that you weren't able to give him something of a gift. But you were happy that your effort was acknowledged at the very least.

He placed your cup down in front of you while holding his own. In light embarrassment, you peeped out a small and tired 'thank you' to which Chishiya gave a small endearing nod at you.

That morning, not many words were exchanged after. But you knew he was somewhat grateful of your reciprocation.

But you vowed to try harder next time.

Trial #2 - Lunch Box

Your eyes flickered open. Darting them to the side, you looked at your alarm clock.

It was an hour early. What a miracle.

All senses of tiredness left your person and you decided to try and do something for Chishiya again. The coffee you made yesterday was a total bust though..

You wriggled out of bed once again and made your way to the kitchen, deciding to something even extra for your lover.

You decided to cook for him. You don't have the world's worst skills and you can read so that was a plus.

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