𝐕𝐈 𝐌𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞

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|A few days later|

Aonung tried to talk to Y/n and apologies but you always pushed him away not wanting to face him. Deep down it hurt you to do that and you don't know why but it just did.

But why should you forgive him? He almost killed your brothers. Who knows what else he could have done.

Aonung planned out how to apologise to you. He just needs you to finally agree to it.

You were at the shore collecting shells when you heard foot steps. You didn't even need to turn around to know who it was. "Leave me alone Aonung." "Y/n please just listen to me." "Why should I?" "Please just-"

Aonung was cut of by someone blowing the horn. "Our brothers and sisters have returned!" She yelled happily. Everyone was excitedly getting into the water.

You ran after your family to tell tuem after all they have never experienced anything like this before. Aonung was hurt that he couldn't even finish but he wasn't mad. At least he could tell all about you to his spirit brother.

You and the Sully's got in the water you took Lo'ak with you showing him your spirit sister. You haven't talked to her in ages.

"This is my spirit sister!" You happily exclaimed and greeted her. "Maybe your spirit brother came here too." "I don't think so Y/n. He's an outcast you know." "Oh well no worries we could go after him after I talk to my spirit sister." "Really?" "Sure."

You happily told about your life and everything that happened to you and she listened. Both of you were really happy to see eachother after eight years. Lo'ak meanwhile met Tsireya's spirit sister.

While you were talking to your spirit sister you felt someone watching you and sure enough you turned around and it was Aonung. You rolled your eyes at him and went back to talking to your spirit sister.

"See she's back but she's really mad at me... I really love her and I know for sure that she's my love... My soulmate.." Aonung poured his heart out to his spirit brother. He was the only one he trusted so why wouldn't he tell him these things.

After you were done you got on your Ilu with Lo'ak and went outside the reef with him to find Payakan.

"Payakan! Where are you?!" A tulkun soon came to the surface. You gasped a bit. Lo'ak went over to him and started talking to him also introduced you to him. All the three of you were having so much fun you didn't even notice the others watching.

You got on your Ilu to give Lo'ak some privacy. He ended up going into his mouth and connecting to him. You were shocked but eager to know what will happen.

After a while Lo'ak came out and started apologizing and comforting Payakan. The others came out from their hiding place startling you.

"Ahh! Why are you spying on us?!" "Oh shush sis you'll be in trouble with Lo'ak too." "Wow thanks Neteyam." You rolled your eyes.

All of you went back and your parents were already there waiting. They started scolding all of you right away.

"Tsireya, Aonung I thought you knew better than to let him connect with an outcast! You disappointed me!" Tonowari said angrily. Aonung just rolled his eyes but Tsireya was ashamed and hurt. "And you Y/n. You took him outside the reef when you know very well how dangerous it is!" Tonowari continued. "I was with him and I knew what I was doing." You insisted. Ronal hissed at you. "And you. The son of a mighty warrior should be smarter than that. That outcast is a murderer." "No he isn't sir." Neytiri hissed at her son trying to get him to be quiet. You were beyond pissed since Lo'ak and you didn't do anything wrong. Tonowari told all of you to sit and started telling how Payakan is a murderer. Lo'ak wasn't having it. "I'm sorry sir but that's not true." "That's enough." Jake said grabbing Lo'ak's arm. "I'll take care of it." With that he left with Lo'ak.

You were upset and decided to walk away too.

After Jake was done with Lo'ak Tsireya went after him to comfort him.

You walked off and heard someone behind you again. You sighed. "What is it Aonung?" "Y/n I wanna apologise..." "Fine." "Can you please forgive me?" "And why should I?" "Because I... I love you. And I'm sure we are soulmates! I know I really screwed up but please forgive me. I can't sleep with the thought that you hate me.."

You could feel yourself starting to blush and you hugged him. "I love you too you dummy." You giggled slightly and he hugged back. He gently pulled you in for a kiss and it was magical. It was like you were made just for eachother. And both of you had butterflies in your stomach.

When you pulled away both of you were smiling like some idiots and blushing like crazy. You decided to spend the rest of the day with eachother. Cuddling, kissing and chatting and overall just having a great time.

Later when it was getting late you heard a big commotion by the main area. You look and can see that Lo'ak and Tsireya are look and the ground and your parents are arguing. You go over with Aonung while holding his hand.

"What were you thinking Tsireya?!" Tonowari yelled. She was just crying. "What happened?" Aonung asked worried. "She made the tsahaylu with the forest demon blood!" Ronal yelled outraged. "They are now mates for life. There's nothing that can be done now..." Neytiri said. "We let you and your family stay here and teach you how to live with us and this is what we get?!" Ronal screamed. "What were you thinking Lo'ak?!" Jake yelled. "We don't want you here!" Ronal yelled getting more and more angry. "Mum please don't!" Tsireya pleaded. "Miss clam down you're pregnant-" Lo'ak tried to get Ronal to calm down but he just received a harsh slap from Ronal. "Calm down?! You freak became my daughter's mate! This is unacceptable!" Neytiri hissed when Ronal slapped her son. They kept arguing and hissing at eachother also scolding the two mates and after a while Ronal turned over to you and Aonung. "I hope you my son are not having anything with her!" She scoffed.

You felt your heart shatter to hundreds of pieces. They didn't approve of your love... You were sad for your brother and Tsireya of course. It wasn't fair but the thought of you and Aonung being separated was even more horrible like your world was destroyed in a second.

To be continued. Muahah sorry I know it's mean but the next part is on the wayyyy.

𝓢𝓱𝓮'𝓼 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓾𝓼   𝒜𝑜𝓃𝓊𝓃𝑔 𝓍 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang