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By the time Fangtasia had opened 𝙈𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙖 was now drunk as, well she was drunk as a skunk, and dancing on top of the bar pouring drinks to the vampires and humans alike that sat on a nearby stools, from a bottle she had been sipping on a...

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By the time Fangtasia had opened 𝙈𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙖 was now drunk as, well she was drunk as a skunk, and dancing on top of the bar pouring drinks to the vampires and humans alike that sat on a nearby stools, from a bottle she had been sipping on as she danced.

Until she near fell because she was too drunk, this caused Eric to speed over to her and drag her down from the bar

"Boo your boring" Bella stated smirking at her ex lover.

𝙀𝙧𝙞𝙘 sat on his throne-like chair watching Mirabella dance on top of the bar until once again she near fell Eric sped over to her "no more" He took her hand in his and practically pull her off the bar much to the dismay of the men around her and a groan from Mirabella but she obeyed as she walked holding his hand while her other hand held the half finished bottle of scotch

Eric sat on his throne as Mirabella stood next to him drinking from the bottle

"We need to talk about" Eric stated and cut himself off

"That sounds like the start of a very long list" she hummed

Mirabella's pov

Bill and Sookie had left especially after it was revealed that Eric was keeping Lafayette in the basement much like a dog especially with him having a collar with a chain attached to his neck and all.

𝙀𝙧𝙞𝙘 dragged me into his office before swiftly throwing me down onto the couch before, looking at Pam who entered the small room and closed the door behind her.

"Intervention?" I joked looking between the pair

"Do you not recall what happened the last time you used your mag-" Eric cut himself off with an annoyed huff

"Aww, all worried about little old me?" I smiled tilting my head at the man while I spoke

Eric huffed again this time softer which I found strange but ignored and took a sip from the bottle I still carried

Until Pam grabbed it out of my hand while my mouth was still attached to it 

"Rude" I muttered before curling my legs into my chest the outfit I was wearing was the same clothes from yesterday minus my leather jacket that I seemed to have forgotten somewhere probably last night, and as if by reading my mind Eric spoke

"Sookie has your jacket it was covered in blood, her blood to be specific" I nodded at his words

"I don't know what's wrong with you Aella but-" Pam stated

Before I even registered what had happened Eric held Pam against the nearby wall closest to the door with his hand gripping her throat

"Eric" I called, he dropped her I looked at him then rushed over to my friend helping her to stand

"What the fucking bloody hell was that for!" Pam yelled

I could feel her shock and hurt from what Eric had done "I have no fucking idea" I glanced at Eric

"Mirabella and I need to talk" Eric huffed not sparing a glance to Pam

"You have so many fucking names how the hell am I meant to know what to call her Eric?" Pam asked

Eric rolled his eyes at her before screaming at her in some old forgotten language I either had forgotten or never bothered to learn after all there was no longer a scary madman ordering me about.

That's what this century has taught me, Men are never meant to scare nor attack their children.

"Where are you?" Eric's voice rang through my ears like an alarm clock pulling me from sweet dreams or in this moment my never-ending thoughts, that's when I noticed he was on the phone so I listened in

"I'm on my way Eric JC" Sookies voice rang I groaned pulling Eric's attention toward me

"Dont please don't" I ran my hand through my hair

"Wait a moment Ms. Stackhouse" Eric pulled the phone from his ear and turned fully towards me "Give me one good reason not to" He Huffed I rolled my eyes "What simply because you asked me to or shall I tell Sookie when she arrives here why you are in such a state?" He raised his voice causing me to glare at him, he looked away and together we sat in silence for about two seconds before we heard Sookies voice again

"What the holy h- what is happening Eric is Bella alright I swear I anything happened to her I'll-"

I grabbed the phone from Eric and used his lap as a seat so he would protest "What Sook come in balls a blazin'?" I asked earning a chuckle from next to her I was guessing it was either Tara or Jason "I'm fine Sook just drank a little bit too much and mister party pooper Northman doesn't like that" I grinned up at the man who just rolled his eyes in response

"Jason give it!" Sookie whined

"Party Pooper seriously?" He asked half chuckling

"You still hung up on that Jason?"

"Hey Hey, what happened to Jace? or Whatever the other Nikname was?"

"Asswipe?" I asked smiling trying to ignore Eric's glare

"Jason Stackhouse give me that phone!" I heard Gram's voice

"uh- of course gran I uh got to" Jason stopped talking as I heard someone else take the phone

"Hi, Mirabella darlin you have too much to drink?" She asked her voice was as sweet as honey to my ears, given that was the way the older woman operated.

"Just a little bit but my friends are gonna take care of me" I didnt bother to look at Erics shocked face

"No no no I am on my way you cant drive or fly or whatever you do, you are drunk young lady" I laughed at that comment

" Young Lady?" Eric asked chuckling along with me I shushed him and went back to the phone call

"Theres no need Adele I swear I am okay and trust me the friend Im with wouldnt let anything happen to me"

"Alright your lucky this time"

"I'm always lucky c'mon now goodnight Mrs. Stackhouse tell sook and Jason goodnight for me please"

"Of course" I smiled at her response and hung up before handing Eric the phone back

"You are a surprisingly good liar" Eric Chuckled I rolled my eyes at him before standing up.

Bad move.

Not two seconds later Eric had his hand on my waist and his other hand on my neck

I stared at him masking a smirk

"Sorry to interrupt, Line Two vampire emergency blah blah blah" Pam stated, neither of us had noticed the door opening or Pam entering

"Have fun Boss Man" I smirked at him before moving past him and grabbing Pam's hand on the way out.

"Tequilla?" Pam asked once we had reached the bar I nodded

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