🥀Chapter 1🥀 Mommy?

Start from the beginning

   Another texts comes through my phones just as I was about done.

N- "Well, good. Because I'm going to take you"

     My heart nearly drops out my butt, I'm in no shape or form for him to see me like this. I cant let him see me like this.  I leave his text on read and dressed. I didn't want to walk through the house with him still present so I sneak out my window like usual. The pain I was in was gong away a little but every time my shirt pulls a certain way it stings, so I'm winching as I'm climbing down. If I had a balcony it life like this would be so much easier.

    I make it to the ground, hiding behind a bush looking for my bestfriends car, or even if he is anywhere near.  I didn't see it so I slowing walk around the back out the house tot the garage. I figured to take my bike but that would cause to much pain. I decide to walk, schools not that far. if I feel I cant make it I so desperately would hate if I had to call my bestfriend to come pick me up.

    Where I lived was basically like a section 8 housing community. Of course there were houses that weren't sponsored by section 8. You could always tell by how up kept they were. The roads were paved so it was a nice place. We haven't lived here for long, ever since Darrel, well dad, got discharged from the military. Mom couldn't pay all the bills on her own. It was dishonorable so he got nothing from it. He wasted all his money on drug, beer, anything he could get his hands on at this point.

  While in deep though, I didn't take noticed to the slight limp in my walking. Then, realized how far I had walked. It wasn't that far actually, I had successfully made it 5 houses down from mine at the slowest but less painful pace ever. I hear my phone go off in my pocket. I pull it out and my heart dropped again like before.

  I was my bestfriend calling me, I couldn't ignore it.

A-" Hey, What's up?" Me trying to sound as casual as possible.

N-" Aurora, I texted you" he sounded an little worried.

A- "Um, yeah I don't know why I'm just now seeing it, I'm sorry" I lied.

N-" Ok.. Now that you've seen it, where are you"

A- "Um, I'm actually almost at school, shouldn't you be at your school right now." I lie again, don't come for me because im already feeling bad from the other times.

N- "Aurora" he sounded firm

A- "Yes love"

N- "Why would you lie"

A-"What do you mean, I walking up to the front doors now" I was confused as to why he was questioning me. then I heard a honk from behind. I turn a round and see my bestfriend truck pulling up beside me.

A- "ohhhh" I drag out.

    "Are you going to kept walking or kept lying to me" I says to me, My face was stuck on cherry red. I honestly did feel like I was getting away with this but geez.

    He jumps out the truck and walks up to me.

   "Now why would you lie to me?" He wondered.

    "Good question, I don't know" I hesitated.

   "Did you not want to see me" He assumed. I never wanted him to think that so when it said it, it kinda struck something in my chest.

   "Oh no, its not that I can promise you. I just, didn't want you to worry about me. Plus you needed to go to school anyway."  I trailed off.

   " I told you last night I didn't have school today, it was a holiday or some sort." he furrowed his brows at me confused. "Are you okay." he ask me placing a hand on my shoulder, I had winched in pain from my shirt rubbing against the burns. Apparently he was stopping me from swaying, but I hadn't realized.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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