Chapter 1

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"Hello?" Celeste asked answering her phone without looking at the caller ID.

"Yes, Miss Morgan, this is Northside Elementary, your daughter Fae is in the nurse's office sick."

"Oh no," Celesta sighed as she quickly glanced at her watch. "Okay, I am over an hour away, I will contact one of her fathers and one of them will go pick her up. Thank you."

"One of her fathers?" the woman asked with a slight tone in her voice making Celeste roll her eyes. "Okay, I will let the office know." She said curtly then hung up.

"Well goodbye to you too," Celeste said to the dial tone. She cleared her throat then took a deep breath as her stomach dropped while her nerves began to race. She dialed then well memorized number and held her breath.

"Hello Darling," the deep voice filled her ear as her heart skipped a beat.

"I'm very sorry for bothering you at work Owen," Celeste said trying to keep her voice normal as her heartbeat increased even more.

"What's wrong?" He asked curiously. "And don't lie to me, I can hear it in your voice."

"Sorry," she said automatically and cleared her voice. "Just forget it, sorry for bothering you, Owen."

"Tell me now."

"I know it's not your day and I know all of you are probably very busy but I'm over an hour away—"

"Just tell me now Celeste," Owen said as she heard him typing away on his computer.

"The school just called stating Fae is sick—"

"And?" he pressed.

"And I'm over an hour away and I figured one of you could go get her and have Sean look at her—"

"Of course, but what else?" he asked.

"What?" she asked confused. "It'll just be until I can get her and we can figure out her visits with you since she is sick—"

"That's not what I'm talking about, and you know it, Celeste," he scolded. "Tell me what is upsetting you. I can hear it in your voice." She heard his car keys jingling as he walked.

"Nothing, Owen," she said as she bit her lip.

"Celeste," he warned. "I know you better than you know yourself." She heard the elevator door ding then gravel as he walked. "Your voice is quivering just like you are trying to not let something upset you, now tell me what happened."

"It's nothing, Owen," she sighed. "It's just something silly, just forget it."

"Just because you are no longer our wife doesn't mean we stopped caring about you," he growled. "We will ALWAYS care about you. Now tell me."

"The receptionist just got a tone when I told her one of Fae's fathers will be coming to get her," she sighed as she gave in. "One of those condescending tones, that's all. Like I said, it's nothing."

"It's not nothing, Darling," Owen growled as he started his car. "She needs to learn to mind her own business and keep her thoughts to herself. What we had is legal and there is nothing wrong with it. Do you hear me, Darling?"

"Yes Owen," She sighed.

"Now, don't worry about our daughter, I will go pick her up and take her to see Dr. Green then let you know what he says. You just focus on work and don't rush to come get her, I will stay home with her plus whoever else is home. It's not a problem."

"Thank you, Owen," She sighed in relief. "I'll let you know when I'm off work and headed that way." There was silence for a bit then she heard him sigh in frustration. "Owen?"

"I'm fine, Darling," he said tiredly. "Just people don't know how to drive, that's all."

"Okay," she said not really believing him. He sounded like he wanted to say something else, but she knew not to push him.

"Miss Morgan?" someone in the back called out.

"Go decorate that house all nice, Darling," Owen said blankly, "I'll let you know how Fae is after Dr. Green sees her. We'll get her all better."

"Okay," Celeste said softly. She took a deep breath, "Owen?"

"Yes Darling?" He asked gently.

She sighed and rolled her eyes as her nerves got the best of her, "just..." she cleared her throat and sighed again, "just thank you."

He remained silent for a moment then cleared his throat, "of course, Darling."

She hung up the phone and cleared her throat, getting herself straightened up before turning and heading back to the house she was currently working on. "I'm sorry about that," she said to the owners of the house, "that was my daughter's school letting me know she was sick."

"Oh no," The woman gasped, "do you need to leave?"

"No," Celeste shook her head. "Her fathers are on their way to go pick her up for me."

"Are you sure?" the husband asked, "It's fine, we can reschedule for another day if you need to go. I know how my wife goes all Mama mode when our kids are sick."

Celeste smiled softly, "It's okay, Fae is in good hands with her fathers. They dote all over her. She has them wrapped around her little finger."

"Fae?" the woman asked curiously. "That is a lovely name."

"Thank you," Celeste smiled. "It's the first letter of our love for her put together. Her fathers picked it out and I just love it, it means For All Eternity, so she will always know of our love for her."

"That is so perfect," the woman smiled. "I love it!"

"Thank you," Celeste smiled softly then got back into professional mode.

A part of her heart ached as her mind drifted back to the other meaning of that saying. At one point that was geared towards her as well, but she couldn't focus on the past. Now it was reserved strictly for her daughter. The past was the past and she now had to just focus on the present, as the saying goes, she couldn't change the past so there was no point in dwelling on it. Times change, people change, and she just had to learn how to accept it. It is what it is and that's all there was to it but for now she just needed to focus on her work so that is what she was going to do.

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