As she walked towards the duo, she began to hear snippets of their conversation.

"EXCELLENT WORK TRULY!!", the man whom Y/n thought to be All Might said.

So the beach cleanup was just training for him?

That is a very admirable way to train, a way that benefits both yourself and the environment, Y/n admitted to herself.

"Feels like I cheated though.", the green-haired boy said. "Getting all this help from you All Might.."

Oh? So he is All Might? Y/n thought so. She was a bit happy inside, now that her theory was proven true. After all, it is not everyday you meet All Might.

Her sister had nothing but good things to say about him, so Y/n supposed that she could tolerate him. In honor of S/n.

She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard All Might reply to him, "There's a big difference between being born with that silver spoon and working your butt off to earn it."

Y/n found herself agreeing with his statement. She might have had a powerful quirk, but she would be nowhere today if she did not spend her time training this much. A powerful quirk can only go so far if you do not have the refinement and skill to properly use it.

"Take this to heart, kid." He added, "You've earned this power fair and square."


He earned this power?

Did he not have a quirk before?

All Might is clearly giving him a quirk, so Y/n can only assume that it is his own. If that is the case then, he is most likely not in the proper condition to remain a hero. After all, he cannot be eternal. He is a mere human after all.

Y/n could not contain her curiosity and decided to ask All Might himself what he meant.

"Mr. All Might?" she said from behind them both.

It seemed like none of them noticed her before. Both of them jumped in the air, shocked.

All Might had blood come out of his mouth, and he turned into a scrawny, skinny man. He looked a bit skeleton-like.

Snapping out of his shock-induced trance, he began to frantically panic. He said, "Ahh, noo I'm clearly not All Might! You most likely just are hallucinating. You should go back to sleep Young... ahh?"

"L/n", Y/n responded.

"My name is Y/n L/n, and I know that you are All Might. First of all, you clearly looked like him. Second, you were training him and he called you All Might."

"Oh.. Umm.", All Might responded, clearly looking sheepish.

eternity ~ MHA x Raiden Ei! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now