Chifuyu couldn't keep up the job he was assigned at keeping Baji-San in check. He still remembers a few days ago both of them bumped into a handsome guy whom asked for 500 won. Korea just has the weirdest guys!!! Not to mention almost everyone here is insanely attractive.

Speaking of Baji he found him by a stand with a guy who was prepare for any hits.

   Baji ran to the stand and prepared himself for winning double the money just to find his pockets empty! The dark haired looked to his friend for money but both realized they are broke

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Baji ran to the stand and prepared himself for winning double the money just to find his pockets empty! The dark haired looked to his friend for money but both realized they are broke...

"Fucking shit!!"

   The auction started leaving YN to zone out

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   The auction started leaving YN to zone out. No, you couldn't keep up thinking of Kazutora and Valhalla. If they want a fight then Toman will give them one! This is how to prove those cowards who believe a woman is "weak" whom can't defend themselves. YN is a name you shouldn't forget, she is the president of Toman. The famous Toman gang with hundreds of members, maybe a fewer than in Japan but it's not a gang to take lightly.

   Taking a sigh of the exhaustion is giving a headache. The auction officially started with numbers being thrown left to right. Of course some of the words being spoken were too fast not having fully learned Korean is hard.

   That's when Daniel came to view when a fuller girl gained the attention of the small crowd. Apparently she makes the one who she chooses a living hell having them do chores.

   $50, $70, up to $300!!

   "Must be nice being handsome then.." what a shame, if it weren't for it being a auction for guys to be sold at you would of signed up to get some of the money. Meh that money is going to charity then again it would of been a waste for nothing. Plus you doubt anyone here would of put money of the table for you. A scary delinquent to be feared.

   "1,000 dollars." The girl who's name is, Lala? She sure is crazy! But to a shock a girl doubled it!

   "2,000 dollars." She raised her hand with the crowd going crazy. She was very pretty... very pretty.

   Next to her though was a face you were trying to remember who he is. I've see that face and those glasses! But where?!!!

    All the thinking got to your head when you heard she won by putting up 5,000 dollars. That's fucking insane. Daniel went after her and wanting to know the tea you followed behind.

   When you got there the very pretty girl started to turn down Daniel. Imagine getting rejected...

   He tried to put his hand out to grab her though he got his wrist taken hold up by the guy with the glasses. To both of their surprises Daniel pulled his hand right out of his grip.

   Making a grand entrance when the one with the glasses is about to strike down Daniel with his leg YN got her leg to prevent it from hitting Daniel. All three were more shocked to see a short blonde girl take the force of the glasses guy's leg hit.

   "I remember you now." With a smile to her face YN faced Gun. He sure is fucking strong.

   "The invincible Mikey." Gun took off his glasses remembering how good it felt to fight YN before.

   To their surprises again another figure interrupted the fight. Vasco threw a punch at gun though it may of not hurt it as much as he wanted. The thrill it gives to have three people is such a thrill.

   "Do you want to fight again Mikey? This school has such fun to it." With a smirk Gun looked at all three figures, Daniel and Vasco whom have much potential to gain and YN who is the empowerment of  power.

  The very pretty girl ran to grab Gun's arm to stop all four from fighting anymore. She gave him reasons to stop in which he did. Gun grabbed his glasses putting them back on while the very pretty girl apologized. While she entered the car Gun spoke to you.

   "So you did follow my words. It seems if you want more information about your brother you'll have to find me next time we meet."

   Before you could yell at him for more information both of them left in the car. The information about him completely disappeared right in front of your face!!

"Fucking shit!!!"

"You shouldn't say those words."


   Daniel and Duke's song began to play

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   Daniel and Duke's song began to play. Daniel looked to be struggling to start singing but Duke began to rap. Both of their voices were heard loud and clear and their song...

   "I just want you with me, we can let go up"

   It's as if those words were from Shinichiro speaking through the song. She just wants to find her brother and let him have a good future. Her dear brother who always did everything to make her happy. Her brother who sacrificed a lot when after their mother died. He always made sure to keep her happy.

   "Shinichiro, where are you?"

Sheesh I wonder where Shinichiro is at? 😵‍💫

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Sheesh I wonder where Shinichiro is at? 😵‍💫

Gosh Takemichi why are you acting as if you know something is up?

Kazutora coming soon....

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