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There on top of a roof top sat the blonde haired delinquent. Enjoying the view the high building is giving her. Of course she was ditching her classes even if her sister had scolded her for it. Emma, even if she was younger than Y/N she was more mature at times. Finishing up her snack or more like lunch. Her dorayaki were all gone. Now she would have to ask Emma to make her some more.

   She looked up at the sky. She didn't know why but she had a bad feeling. But ehh that's for the future to tell. She got up from the edge she was sitting up from. Even if she wasn't into this studying stuff she'll still attend her last class for now. Or maybe she could get something to eat, her stomach was growling .

   A tall blonde came next to Y/N. He knew she was getting a bit tired, that dorayaki was taking effects and unfortunately he would have to carry her down the stairs.


               Y/N just looked at her friend and smiled

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               Y/N just looked at her friend and smiled.

"Nee~ Ken-chin I'm hungry."

  This had caused a small tick to form by the side of the said male's forehead.

"Am I your wallet?!"

  The blonde haired girl didn't answer and just walked away.

     "I have a feeling I'll meet someone interesting  very soon

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     "I have a feeling I'll meet someone interesting very soon."


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