Division (SECOND TAKE)

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Hello, hello! Hi, so, this is a sort of reimagining of the original "Operation: Remnant." Hence why there are 11k reads. If your hoping to look at the older chapters I really dont feel like re-reading the cringe-fest that was the original book, so I'm sorry. You wont be reading the original.

This story opens, with Y/N, a SHD Agent that was recently activated, walking out of the Base of Operations, looking over their IWI Negev, the bullet King Exotic, a Recon Drone overhead to give you a heads up on hostiles inbound to your position. You stop inspecting the LMG, and yank back the charging handle. "Alright... today, its time I fuck up quite a few True Sons." You tell yourself, of course the ever so constant doubt you might not come back from a battle lingering in the back of your mind... however, just as you say that, a loud "Get him!" Came from a distant battle. Seeing the chance to assist civilians against the Hyenas, your rushed in, raising the barrel of your LMG to the sky and hauling ass to where ISAC had located the attack, practically doing a Tac. Sprint from the latest Modern Warfare games.

Upon reaching the location, you'd slide into cover, and set the LMG up, using the Bipod for its purpose, aside from cosmetics. Before you fire, you change the Gas Regulator to Two, due to you firing from a ammo belt, not a magazine or in a dusty area (settings 1 and 3) so its best you keep it on 2. You'd aim down sights, and begin opening fire, covering civilians as they began running away. Your rounds cut down Hyenas as they tried to kill you, but your LMG fired faster than their Mac-10s and Px4s. Due to it being the Bullet King, reloading wasn't an issue... however, you did have to stop, ducking down while taking the LMG with you. The barrel had overheated, and currently needed to cool, so you placed the LMG down by your side, before grabbing a M870 shotgun, pulling the pump back, looking at the chamber if theirs a shell inside, before ramming it forward.

You stand and take a shot at a Hyena rushed, shreading her armor, before firing another round, this time going through and knocking her on her ass. You get onto the crate, grabbing your M9 Berreta before putting a couple more rounds into her, and then putting the handgun away, before getting off the crate and advancing, grabbing your shotgun and firing firing multiple shells at incoming hostiles... however, as you continue your forward assault, someone is heard rushing towards you. You turn around, and fired... only for it to click. "Shit." Came from you before it all went black...


You groan, your head spinning... you could swear, you we're still on the battlefield... you weren't... your right next to a firing range, numerous Hyenas practicing their aim on dead bodies... you move around in your chair, noticing two things: Your arms are tied together, and your legs are tied to the legs of the chair... then you looks around, seeing several orange rings, flickering in and out... Hunters. Your eyes widen, panic spreading throughout your body as you try to escape your chair. A giggle is heard, before someone walked over, grabbing you by the chin and forcing you to look at them... you stare at a hunter with a white ballistic mask with a big red dot in the middle... several others were there too. "Agent C/N... you can assist us with something, you know." The voice says, seemingly female. You roll your eyes, and move your head away. "...Shepherd, I doubt this agent will help at all." Came from another voice. "I know that, Tech... we'll do this forcefully. Think you can get the thing active?' Shepherd asks, looking at their companion. "Yeah, I can... give me a few." They reply, before one walks away. "Artz, go with her, Whiskey, stay with me... Bravo, go watch the perimeter." Shepherd tells them, with the Hunters being told to leave, leave... then, you're knocked out once more.

Several minutes later...

You wake back up, putting your hands beneath yourself and getting up. "Alright, Agent... got two choices here: get killed, or go through." Came from shepherd over an intercom. "...I'd rather kill you all." You respond, before looking at your wrist... you had your weapons and equipment back. "Just go through... we've yet to try what happens with this... thing." Came from Shepherd. A glowing orb is infront of you, and you look at it. "...fine..." You whisper, before grabbing your shotgun. "...lets do this." You tell yourself, before taking a step forward... and into the orb...


'OPERATION: REMENANT' !Male Division Agent X RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now