9: S10 E104

141 15 0

September 10, 2022

Nataley holds her breath to hear Harry's response. When he makes eye contact with her and then sips his drink, she knows he's stalling. She's witnessed that move too many times for any ambiguity.

"Noah..." she begins, drawing her son onto the sofa between her and Harry. Chuck hops onto the sofa and joins the three of them like he belongs. Which he does. "Harry is going to be busy working, but I'm sure if he has time, he'll come visit you when you're not at your dad's."

"Really, Harry?" The boy focuses on the musician, and Nat doesn't miss the surprised glance Harry sends her way. Casually, she nods at her ex, indicating her full support. God only knows why she's agreeing. Actually that's not true. She's saying yes because Noah needs Harry. Pushing away the thought that she might need him too, Nataley takes a gulp of her own drink.

"Your mum is right. I'm only staying in Los Angeles to help out at her work, but if I have time while I'm here, then I'll help you with the guitar lessons."

Throwing himself at Harry, Nataley's son laughs and screams, "BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!"

Nataley can't stop the smile that spreads across her face. It's nice to see him so happy again. He had been crushed when she and Harry broke up even though Harry continued to call and Facetime with Noah during the tour and the quarantine. Honestly, it was more than she could ask of an ex, but Harry was the one who insisted on remaining in contact with her kid. It was one of the few positive outcomes of her relationship with Harry.

"Can you stay and read me a book?"

"Of course he can! Why don't you go pick one? Harry will join you in a minute."

"YAY!" With typical exuberance, Noah bounces around the coffee table and rushes off to his room.

Strategically, Nat takes another sip of her Manhattan. She can wait out Harry. Her gaze slides to the side, and she sees that he's staring into space, his sock-covered feet still propped on the coffee table. "Thanks, Nat. It means a lot that I can still be part of his life."

"Harry, you know I would never deny you access to him. Or him to you. No matter how many issues it might create for me."

"And does it? Create issues for you?"

"HARRY!" Noah calls from his bedroom. "Got my book!"

"Coming!" Rising, he makes a beeline for the boy's bedroom. "I'll be back."

"Thanks, Arnold," she teases with a grin at the old 'Terminator' joke. As soon as her boys are out of the room, Chuck trailing behind, her smile fails. Of course his presence is a problem. He's so hard to resist. If he were dating someone or she were dating someone, things would be different. But here they are, once more both single, and he knows her so well. Closing her eyes, she rests her head against the back of the sofa while she practices some yogic breaths. Maybe this is the perfect time for her to sign up for one of those online dating services? Or she saw an advertisement for a place that does in-person match-making. If she starts dating again, Harry's draw will be lessened. Besides, she's a babe. A true catch. Any guy would be lucky to have her.

But she doesn't make a move to pick up her computer or phone and reactivate her account with that online site. She'd met a couple of worthwhile men through it. Maybe she would finally meet the right person. The one that is perfect for her and Noah.

You've already met him.

Shut up.

You love him. He loves you.

Yes, and where did that get us?


No. Stop it.

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