8: S01 E103

162 16 0

December 3, 2015

The walk with Nataley had brightened his day as much as her small adjustments to the lighting had brightened the studio. BooBoo, packing up his tattoo gun, reviewed care instructions with Harry for the millionth time. "Keep the bandage on for a couple of hours, and then make sure you wash it carefully a couple of times a day. Keep it moisturized. And no swimming, H!"

"Mate, I've got how many tattoos?"

"Mhm, and you still don't seem to take proper care of them."

Shaking Isaiah's hand, Harry grinned. "Thanks for coming today and doing this one. I appreciate you."

"Yeah, yeah. Always around to help out a friend."

Over the tattoo artist's shoulder, Harry spied Nataley as she climbed a ladder. When she removed a spotlight overhead, she handed it to a guy standing below before deftly backing down the ladder and shifting its position to ascend again. On the fifth and final light, Harry noticed that the guy to whom she'd been passing the lights was distracted by another crew member. Adroitly, Harry stepped to the bottom of the ladder and was ready to receive the light when she handed it down and descended.

"Oh." Her eyes widened when she witnessed the musician holding the equipment. "Jesus. I'm sorry, Harry. Let me take that from you."

"It's fine," he smiled with a sincerity that reached to the crinkles in his eyes. "Your helper got detained."

"As he often does when there's a cute guy around." Nataley didn't sound bothered by the situation. Instead, it appeared to be a statement of fact. It bothered Harry that she would out her coworker without regard to the guy's privacy. At the moment the thought crossed his mind, she shrugged her shoulders. "Or a cute girl. Or a cute kid. Or a cute painting. Or a cute anything that keeps his attention from his work, you know? I appreciate the help, Harry."

Removing the lamp from his hands, she carried it to the cart with the rest of the spotlights, gently setting it down before wiping her hands on her trousers.

"You've had a rough day," Harry commented. "The kind of day that would likely be made better by hanging out with some friends." His memory dredged up her response from months previously, and he rushed to complete his thought. "My girlfriend and I are meeting some friends in Malibu if you want to join. Just to blow off steam." Although Kenny might not use the word to refer to their FWB relationship, Harry made the assumption that Nat might be less inclined to join if she thought Harry was hitting on her.

Running her fingers through her hair, Nataley placed her hands on her hips and observed him carefully. "You, me, your girlfriend, and who else?"

"Just a few friends, I swear. Not a big group, and not at a bar. You can bring your friend if you want -- Bethany, right?"

He watched as she bit her lip, looking away from him. It was clear that she was tempted.

"As friends, right?"

"Absolutely! Just a group of friends. Come on. It will be fun!"

"I've got to clean up some things around here. Can we join you later?"

Which obviously was code for 'not gonna make it', but he maintained the illusion anyway. "Sure. Hand me your phone. I'll put in my number and the address where we'll be." When she handed over the device, with her lip still trapped between her teeth, Harry quickly typed in his phone number and the Gerbers' address before sending himself a text message. There. Now he had her phone number too. That was easier than he'd expected.

Not that he would call her. If she didn't show up, no big deal.

Returning her phone, he leaned forward and quietly said, "I don't know about you, but I can never have too many friends. I hope to see you later." Harry added a wink.

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