Training Camp Part 3

Start from the beginning

Before he could bring Izuku down a large stream of water was shot at him, catching his attention. Both Izuku and Musculare looked towards the direction the water came from only to see Kota who had gotten out of Izumi’s grip and ran back to the fight.

Kota: “did you torture them like that before you killed them…my pairents did you torture them”

Musculare dropped Izuku behind him leaving him on the ground before turning his attention to kota

Musculare: “huh? What where you parents heroes or something”

Kota: “the water hose do you not remember how you mercilessly killed them”

Musculare: “water hose….this must be face it's thanks to them that my left eye is an artificial eye now”

Kota: “it's your fault it’s because of you that i have to live the rest of my life without them!!”

Musculare: “it's not like im holding a grudge about the eye or anything i just wanted to kill and those two got in the way and got what they deserved”

Kota tried to get into a fighting stance with the fear making him shake. Izuku watched as Musculare walked towards Kota before he could hit Kota. Izuku mustered all the strength he could and fired two electric batarangs into Musculare's back stunning him. Seeing this, Kota immediately ran to Izuku's side and helped him up to his feet. As this happened Izumi ran to them. Musculare was still being electrocuted while he was trying to pull the batarangs out of his back.

Izumi: “kota what the hell were you thinking you could have gotten yourself killed”

Kota: “i don't know i just couldn't let him kill anyone else not if i could help it”

Izumi was about to say something only for Izuku to speak before her

Batman: “actually i have a plan but i'm going to need both your help”

Kota: “we’re in”

Izumi: “what do you need us to do”

Batman: “kota how much water can you produce”

Kota: “a lot i guess how's that going to help”

Batman: “soak him”

Kota: “why?”

Batman: “last time i checked electricity and water don't mix to well”

Kota nodded before moving in close enough to fire some water onto Musculare causing him to be electrocuted more while Kots did this Izuku turned his attention to Izumi

Izumi: “what do you need from me”

Batman: “me and kota will keep Musculare distracted while you charge up your second quirk”

Izumi: “h-how do you know about that?”

Batman: “it's not important just charge it up as high as it can go past your limit. We only have one shot at this so when ready you need to hit Musculare in the head it’s the only place that isn't covered so it's only place that's vulnerable”

Izumi: “got it”

Immediately Izumi started charging one for all up as high as it could go while Izuku ran to kota who was still throwing as much water as he could muster at Musculare. As Izuku got in close he started throwing every last electric batarang he had at Musculare as the water and electricity mixed it causing Musculare to flail his arm around trying to swat the water and batarangs away. After a couple of seconds Izumi had charged up one for all seeing this izuku grabbed Kota and quickly got out of the way and behind a boulder for cover. In an instant Izumi shot from her position to and with everything she had she punched Musculare in the face. As her fist collided with Musculare the entire cliff side was clouded by smoke. After a couple seconds the smoke died down. Izuku looked out from the cover only to see Musculare collapsed on the ground knocked out while Izumi was on her knees holding her arm. As Izuku got a better look he saw that her arm was broken and bruised enough to nearly make her entire arm a dark purple. Him and Kota both head to her. They helped her up and started supporting her as they headed back to the camp.

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