• Chapter 5 •

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(Y/n) POV

I paced around my room nervously, this was the first time I'd be leaving the Jedi temple since I first arrived. Quite frankly I was scared I wasn't going to be strong enough to keep my promise to the Jedi order.

Focused on my training, I was able to distract myself from the fact that I hadn't seen my family for almost a year already and still didn't know about their whereabouts.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my thoughts. As much as I wanted to go back to Scarif for my family, right now wasn't the best time. I was on the road of one day becoming a Jedi so that situations like our's never happen again.

A knock at my door startled me out of my thoughts and I quickly made my way towards the door, hand on my thumping chest.

"You know, you're going to scare me to death one of these days." I say without even needing to look at who it was, opening the door to reveal a grinning Anakin behind.

"Hey it's not my fault you're a scaredy-cat that gets spooked easily." He laughs as he makes his way into my room, throwing himself onto my bed.

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Speaking of which, where have you left my little Astro buddy?" I asked sitting down next to him on the bed. It's been a couple weeks since I had last seen the droid and I had grown very fond of him.

"We leave tomorrow on a short mission so I have him resting up."

"Of course you do." I laugh, Artoo is definitely Anakin's child.

"So, what had you so worked up before I showed up?" He asked and I could see the worry in his eyes. Here he was worrying about my well being and here I was falling like a complete idiot for the small thing's he does, like this.

"How did you know I was worried?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"I felt it. I guess that's kind of why I came to see you." He says, looking at me intently. He felt my panic?

"Didn't you hear? I'm going off on my first mission." I mumble out as I throw myself backwards onto my bed, laying next to him. I keep my gaze on the ceiling. I didn't want him to know I was still thinking about my family, maybe he'll think this mission has me all worked up.

"Leaving the temple for the first time since you've arrived is what has you so anxious?" He say turning over to me and propping himself up on one hand. I shift my gaze from the ceiling to his eyes, I couldn't hide anything from him.

"I'm scared I might not be emotionally prepared. What if this mission brings forth feelings that might go against the Jedi way?" I frown.

"You're still worried about your family?" He sighs, rubbing my cheek gently. The action quickly calms me down and sends a shiver down my spine. I nod.

"I know I want to become a Jedi, I want to make the galaxy a safer place for everyone. But how can I move forward without my family? Anakin I didn't even go back for them." I can't help the tears that start falling down my face. "I'm a horrible daughter and a horrible sister."

"Hey, hey, don't say that. The fact that you're here now — training to become a Jedi so that what happened to your village doesn't happen to other's — means you care." He says, wiping away some of my fallen tears. "You're making the ultimate sacrifice and I'm sure your family will understand. Maker, they must be proud of the person you are."

"Anakin, what would I do without you?" I chuckle out, wiping away some more stray tears.

I look back into his eyes and thank the stars for putting this boy into my life. In the short time we've come to know each other he's become my greatest friend and supporter. I don't know what I would do with out him.

"Don't look at me like that (Y/n). Please don't look at me like that." He mumbled out, his thumb still gently stroking my cheek.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it. How did I get so lucky in meeting someone like you." I say as I feel myself lean closer to him. I can see him leaning toward me as well.

"I ask myself the same question everyday." He says, closing the gap between us. His soft lips moved gently against mine causing an eruption of butterflies in my stomach. I grabbed onto his robes, pulling him down closer to me.

All thoughts and reason left my brain, my only focus being Anakin. I had fallen for him. A smile formed on my lips as he deepened the kiss, intertwining his hand in my hair, pulling me even closer. If that were even possible.

We pull apart after a few minutes to catch our breaths, and that's when I finally break out of my trance and realize what we had just done. We had broken the Jedi code.

"I'm so sorry Anakin, I shouldn't of done that." I frown, sitting myself up slightly. I can feel his gaze on the side of my face, but I can't bring myself to look at him.

"Don't apologize, I've been wanting to do that for a while now." He admits, grabbing ahold of my hand. I finally turn to look at him, a big smile on his face. It makes my heart swell and break all at once.

There was nothing I wanted more in this world than to be with him, but I knew it was forbidden. He had made a promise to the Order, and now so have I. We had to forget about whatever feelings we thought we had for one another.

"It's not the Jedi way Anakin," I looked down. "We have to forget about what happened. And it can't repeat itself again."

"Well what if I don't want to forget about it? Or you?"

"Then we can't see each other anymore." I choked out, breaking myself away from him. I got up from my bed and made my way towards my window. I needed to put as much distance between us.

"What! You can't possibly mean that?" He said from behind me, I could hear him getting up from my bed before feeling his presence behind me. He put his hand's on my waist, pulling me towards his chest. A warmth spread throughout my my body, the effect this boy had on me.

"Please don't make this any harder than it already is." I turned to look into his eyes, they were starting to gloss over. "I think you should leave, I have to be heading off soon."

The hurt in his eye's broke my heart into a million pieces. I had caused pain to the boy I had come to adore greatly.

"Fine, so be it." He scolded me, before storming out of my room.

I've seen him angry, but it was never directed towards me. I couldn't help but start crying. As much as all of this pained me, I know pushing him away was the right thing to do.

AN: That pic of Anakin has me 😮‍💨🤰🏽 acting up

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