When you're hurt

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(A/N: (Y/N) is four years old now)
(This was picked by GoldieAfton)
No One's POV
The albino lion cub got bored of playing with Laval's old toys and now he/she needed his/her father again. (Y/N) waited for Laval to return for several hours in his room.
(Y/N) stood before walking outside Laval's room and the albino lion adjusted his/her crown/tiara.
It's like Laval but it's silver to match his/her white fur and this silver crown is given to him/her during (Y/N)'s third birthday along with some blue clothes.
The white lion cub starts walking into the hallways toward the sacred pool of chi where (Y/N) would usually ask his/her grandpa Lagravis.
Lagravis' POV
"Grandpa Lagravis" My thoughts were cut off upon hearing (Y/N)'s voice beside me before I looked at him/her.
"Where's daddy?" The white lion cub asked me.
"Laval is away playing with Cragger" This made the lion cub frown upon answering him/her.
"Is...Longtooth or Leonidas available to play with me, grandpa?" The cub asked Luckily Longtooth is available today.
"Longtooth is available for you to play," I told him/her before (Y/N) frown is replaced with excitement.
"Where is uncle Longtooth?" (Y/N) asked while looking around only to see no lion guards in there. I recalled (Y/N) start calling other lions' uncles now like Lennox and the elder lions, grandpa like me.
"He is outside," I told the cub before I watched him/her walk out of the room.
I chuckled to myself upon remembering the memories of how my son was since he was a little lion cub.
~A few hours later~
No One's POV
Laval finally came back to the Lion temple at least while he parked his speedor inside.
'I wonder how (Y/N) is doing right now.' He thought to himself as Laval start searching for (Y/N). He then first looks in his room but then Laval heard (Y/N) giggling before he sees Leonidas chasing the cub.
Laval's POV
I followed (Y/N) and Leonidas but then the sound of laughter is replaced with loud cries.
The moment I catch up to them. I see (Y/N) crying while I heard Leonidas gasp in horror upon seeing that my cub scraped his/her left knee.
"(Y/N)!" I exclaimed before I ran towards my white lion cub. I kneel while he/she is crying his/her eyes out.
I immediately pick (Y/N) up before turning to Leonidas.
"Leonidas get some gauze!" I commanded the orange-maned lion.
"Yes, Laval" Leonidas left in a rush to get some medical supplies before I carried my crying cub in my arms toward my room.
"(Y/N) please stop crying" I then wipe his/her tears out of my cub's face while continuing walking but still hearing sobs from the white lion cub. I hush in a comforting manner before he/she stopped crying while looking at my cub's (E/C) eyes.

Upon reaching my room. Leonidas arrived with a roll of gauze before I briefly glared at the orange-maned lion.
"I'm sorry Laval" He apologizes to me while looking down in shame.
"It's not your fault Leonidas. You can leave now" I told the orange-maned lion reassuringly before I see him leave the room.
I then begin to clean (Y/N)'s wound on his/her knee before I start wrapping it with gauze.
"Daddy I'm sorry" I heard (Y/N) apologize before I finish wrapped his/her scraped knee.
"No (Y/N). I'm supposed to say sorry to you and I should've taken care of you instead of leaving you" I told my cub, frowning at the mistake of leaving (Y/N) while I'm away.
"I still love you, daddy" My cub forgives me before he/she hugged me. I smiled knowing that I felt happy for (Y/N) that he/she still loves me as a father.
(A/N: Wonald will be 18 years old in this one)
No One's POV
"Come on (Y/N) play with me" Wonald offered the white wolf pup before he/she got so excited again to play with the vegetarian wolf named Wonald.
"Okay!"(Y/N) exclaimed in excitement before he/she came towards Wonald before they both start to play.
~A few hours later~
Worriz's POV
"Windra have you seen (Y/N)?" I asked her before she looks towards me, stopping on her repairs.
"I think your pup is with Wonald" She replied.
"Oh wait. (Y/N) and Wonald is playing in forever rock at least that was what Wonald told me" Windra added before this made me worried a little about what trouble Wonald and (Y/N) would get into.

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