"Yeah," Percy agreed, shuddering. "They're bad news."

Selene grinned, turning to face with with an amused look. She elbowed him, softly, and felt fireworks exploding in her stomach when he grinned back at her, sending her a small wink.

Eurytion watched their interaction. And for the first time in a long time — the cowherd smiled. "Yeah," He said, still watching the two closely. "Yeah, that'd be all right."

"And hey," Grover started. "When Geryon gets back, maybe he'll be working for you this time."

Selene laughed slightly as Geryon nodded, clearly liking the idea. "Now that — that I can live with."

"You won't try to stop us leaving, right?"

"Fuck, no. I could care less."

Annabeth flexed her shoulder. Despite agreeing to let Eurytion go free, she still looked suspicious of him. "Geryon said somebody paid for our safe passage. Who?"

Eurytion opened his mouth to reply, but Selene beat him to it.

"Hera," Selene said, looking at the blonde with narrowed eyes. "It was Hera. That cocky shit knew Nico was here, and didn't care. I told you she was about as stupid as her peacocks."

She looked to Nico. Nico was already staring at her, and, as they met eyes, he shrugged. Selene felt her heart slightly ache at the fact he was probably used to nobody sacrificing anything  for him.



She stared blankly at the ground, the horrible flashbacks of the junkyard flooding back into her mind like a running river.

Percy's words just managed to  snap her back into reality. "What about the Titans? Did Geryon Iris-Message them yet?"

"Nope," Eurytion answered. "Geryon was waiting until after the barbecue. They don't know about Mr. Di Angelo."

Percy sighed in relief. "Good. That's — that's good."

Nico was glaring intensely at the Son of Poseidon. Selene doubted he would agree to come and quest with them — not with Percy. But, on the other hand, Percy wouldn't let him roam around the endless labyrinth on his own — he was far too stubborn.

"Nico," Percy started, softly. "You should stay here, with Geryon, until we're done with our quest. You should stay here — where it's safe."

"Safe?" Nico seethed quietly. Selene winced. "Safe? Why do you care if I'm safe — if anyone here is safe? You got my sister killed! You promised!"

Percy looked hurt. Selene sighed and took his hand, looking at Nico with guilt. "Nico, that wasn't Percy's fault. Your sister, she —"

The words got caught in her throat. She squeezed Percy's hand a bit tighter, "She — she was brave. Braver than all of us. Her friendship — her sacrifice— was for you. She wouldn't want you trying to take that sacrifice back."

"How would you know what she'd want?" Nico hissed, his dark eyes suddenly fixed on her. "You don't know anything!"

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