chapter six

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Frank's Diner was Jo's (probably) favorite place in Derry. She liked it because they always had a bunch of ice cream and burgers. She also liked it because it was very close to the edge of town; just an inch away from getting out of Derry. But she liked it the most because it was the place she and Beverly went together. It was their place if you will. Their best conversations, laughs, and gossip was held at Frank's Diner. One of the best parts, though, was the vendetta Jo had against Frank, the diner's owner. Beverly found that especially funny.

"You know what I think helps?" Bev asked. Jo put her hands on her hips.

"What?" she replied.

"Sleeping and ignoring the pain," she stated bluntly. Just seconds after, she started to fall backward. Before she could land on the bed, Jo grabbed her hands again and pulled her up. Beverly groaned.

"Come on, Bev. It'll be fun," Jo urged. Bev slumped her shoulders and glared at Jo. From the looks on her face, she would've seemed like she had already made her decision. That decision being no. But Jo knew better. Beverly was thinking about it.

"Fine. But you aren't allowed to complain if I complain," she decided. Jo softly smiled. She wouldn't complain. She knew the struggles of being a woman all too well, and she was gonna cut Bev some slack because of that.

"I won't," Jo agreed. So, the girl with auburn, fiery hair and the girl with brown, flowy hair made their way out of the apartment.

Dean was still watching Saved by the Bell as they walked out the door. And still, Zack (douchebag) Morris was ranting in the background. Jo made sure to close the door loudly behind her. She was aware that her brother would hate it, but she was also aware that it was a sign to turn the TV off.

"I like Zack Morris," Beverly claimed. They continued walking to the fire escape.

"Well, then you're delusional," Jo said. Bev scoffed.

"He's sweet," she hummed.

"He's also a fuck boy," Jo fought. The two girls walked down the fire escape side by side, careful to avoid hitting the kids that were coloring on the steps.

"Whatever you say," Bev replied as she grabbed her bike off of the ground.

"It's not my opinion. It's a fact," Jo stated. Because it was. Zack Morris went from girl to girl to girl. It was what defined his personality. "And I don't buy that bullshit movie where he and Kelly get married."

"I like them together," Bev said.

"I don't," Jo disagreed. "Hey, how much you wanna bet they got a divorce right after their honeymoon?"

"Nothing at all. I'm done talking about this, let's talk about something else," Bev decided. Jo snorted. The two girls were pedaling their bikes down the empty roads of Derry.

"Like what, Miss Marsh?" Jo asked in a British accent. Bev laughed. Jo loved Bev's laugh.

"I don't know. Something that's not about boys you hate," Beverly suggested. Jo scoffed.

"I don't hate that many boys," Jo counterclaimed. Bev laughed again.

"That's a funny joke," she teased. Jo rolled her eyes. At this point, they had passed all of the houses. Now they were in town, which wasn't any busier than the other roads.

"I like Ben. I like Eddie. I mostly like Richie. I like Stanley," Jo said, trying to prove her point.

"What about Bill? Do you like him?" Beverly asked. Truth be told, Jo didn't like him. But she didn't want to say that because that would've meant that Beverly won.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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