"You did that to yourself, Richard. Bye! Love you!" Jo yelled back as they turned the corner.

"You're really the worst sometimes, you know that?" Beverly asked. Jo shrugged and smiled.

"I try."


"What do you wanna do now?" Jo asked. Bev scoffed.

"Uh, excuse me? I'm gonna get this period thing handled before we do anything," she replied. Jo nodded.

"Right. Forgot about that," she said.

"Probably because you were too mesmerized by Richie," Beverly snarkily replied. Jo's jaw dropped.

"I told you already! He's gay!" Jo exclaimed. Beverly giggled.

"I know, I know. I'm just teasing," she said.

"Why do you care, anyway?" Jo asked, but it was more of a comment.

"I don't. I don't care who you date. It's fine with me if you date anyone, really," Beverly assured. Jo snorted at her rambling.

"Relax, Bev. Take a breath," she chuckled.

"Shut up," Beverly joked. The two girls laughed and walked the rest of the way back to Jo's apartment.

The climb up the fire escape was just as boring as always. Jo wasn't very fond of the fact that she had to climb up to the very top to get to her house.

Quietly, Jo opened the door. Just in case her parents were home. It was likely that they weren't, but she wasn't planning on taking any chances with Bev. Luckily, there were no parents. It was just her brother Dean still sitting on the couch watching Saved By the Bell.

It wasn't that the show was bad. Jo just couldn't stand the annoying teenage boy that was Zack Morris. She thought he always made the worst decisions, and his voice was annoying. Kelly deserved better than him, she thought.

"Oh! I love Saved By the Bell!" Beverly exclaimed. "Can we watch with you?"

"No, we can't. Right, Bev? We've got some things to take care of," Jo said before her brother could respond. Dean shrugged, showing that he would have said yes if Jo didn't rudely interrupt him. Bev sighed.

"Come on, Jo. Zack Morris isn't that bad. He's kind of attractive, too," Beverly fought. Jo rolled her eyes. That was the other thing. Bev was always so soft when it came to Zack Morris. She didn't like it.

"Bev, no offense, but Zack Morris is the biggest douchebag in all of television," Jo stated. Beverly's jaw dropped.

"He is not!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, he is," Jo counterclaimed. "Now, let's get going to do that thing we were gonna do, remember?" Beverly rolled her eyes and slumped but reluctantly followed when Jo walked to her room.

"Do you know what to do?" Jo asked Bev as she opened the boxes of period products.

"I'm pretty sure. Health class has been pretty helpful," Bev claimed. Jo clicked her tongue and hummed.

"Uh, that class is bullshit," she stated bluntly.

"What do you mean it's bullshit? I learned a lot in that class," Bev counterclaimed. Jo shook her head.

"Honey, that stuff never helps anyone with anything. But I guess if you want to take their advice on periods, go ahead. Be my guest," Jo claimed. Bev slumped.

"There's no way they can be wrong about periods," she said. Jo tilted her head and brought her shoulders up and down.

"It's very hard to be wrong about periods. But our health teacher was a male. He doesn't know shit," Jo clarified. Beverly scoffed, picked up a tampon and a pad, then walked out of the room.

"I'm sure I could figure it out," she claimed.

"Okay, you do that," Jo encouraged. She wasn't doubting Beverly. She was just...concerned that she actually thought a male teacher knew what he was talking about when he talked about periods. Because he most certainly didn't. Jo was almost positive he was still a virgin. It didn't matter that he was seventy-two, he didn't know anything about the female body whatsoever.

A few minutes later, Beverly walked out of the bathroom and into Jo's room.

"Did you figure it out?" Jo asked. Bev shrugged.

"I wouldn't know. I think so," she replied. She seemed mostly confident, so Jo took her word for it.

"Okay," she hummed. Beverly sat next to Jo on the bed.

She immediately winced and hissed in pain. Jo snorted.

"Ow! What the hell was that?" she exclaimed. Jo chuckled.

"That would be what is called period cramps. The worst part of everything," she told her. Beverly shook her head.

"Nope. I'm done. Kill me right now," she begged, flopping backward onto Jo's bed. Jo stood up, grabbed her hands, and pulled her up. The look on Bev's face was grim and annoyed.

"You know what helps?" Jo said. Bev let go of Jo's hands, aggressively putting them back down on the bed.

"What," she mumbled. Her voice was harsh and her eyebrows were knitted together in frustration. Ah, the moods. Always a fun time.

"Ice cream. We're going to Frank's Diner," Jo grinned. Even though Beverly had just placed her hands back down, Jo grabbed them again. This time, she pulled her up all the way so she was standing. 

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